Soil microbiomes under climate change and implications for carbon cycling
Communities of soil microorganisms (soil microbiomes) play a major role in biogeochemical
cycles and support of plant growth. Here we focus primarily on the roles that the soil …
cycles and support of plant growth. Here we focus primarily on the roles that the soil …
Inorganic carbon losses by soil acidification jeopardize global efforts on carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation
Soil plays a significant role in controlling the global carbon (C) cycle. Studies on climate
change mitigation have focused entirely on soil organic carbon (SOC) to increase C …
change mitigation have focused entirely on soil organic carbon (SOC) to increase C …
Elevated temperature shifts soil N cycling from microbial immobilization to enhanced mineralization, nitrification and denitrification across global terrestrial ecosystems
We assessed the response of soil microbial nitrogen (N) cycling and associated functional
genes to elevated temperature at the global scale. A meta‐analysis of 1,270 observations …
genes to elevated temperature at the global scale. A meta‐analysis of 1,270 observations …
Global patterns and controlling factors of soil nitrification rate
Soil nitrification, an important pathway of nitrogen transformation in ecosystems, produces
soil nitrate that influences net primary productivity, while the by‐product of nitrification …
soil nitrate that influences net primary productivity, while the by‐product of nitrification …
Protist communities are more sensitive to nitrogen fertilization than other microorganisms in diverse agricultural soils
Background Agricultural food production is at the base of food and fodder, with fertilization
having fundamentally and continuously increased crop yield over the last decades. The …
having fundamentally and continuously increased crop yield over the last decades. The …
Review and synthesis of the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on soil processes: No changes in pools, but increased fluxes and accelerated cycles
Atmospheric change encompassing a rising carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentration is one
component of Global Change that affects various ecosystem processes and functions. The …
component of Global Change that affects various ecosystem processes and functions. The …
Below‐ground connections underlying above‐ground food production: a framework for optimising ecological connections in the rhizosphere
Healthy soils that contain an active microbiome and food web are critical to sustainably
produce food for a growing global human population. Many studies have focussed on the …
produce food for a growing global human population. Many studies have focussed on the …
Alterations in soil pH emerge as a key driver of the impact of global change on soil microbial nitrogen cycling: Evidence from a global meta‐analysis
Aim Soil nitrogen (N) cycling is critical to the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. However,
the impact of global change factors (GCFs) on the microbial mediators of N cycling pathways …
the impact of global change factors (GCFs) on the microbial mediators of N cycling pathways …
Enhancing agroecosystem nitrogen management: microbial insights for improved nitrification inhibition
F Beeckman, L Annetta, M Corrochano-Monsalve… - Trends in …, 2024 - cell.com
Nitrification is a key microbial process in the nitrogen (N) cycle that converts ammonia to
nitrate. Excessive nitrification, typically occurring in agroecosystems, has negative …
nitrate. Excessive nitrification, typically occurring in agroecosystems, has negative …
Factors influencing soil nitrification process and the effect on environment and health
To meet the global demand for food, several factors have been deployed by agriculturists to
supply plants with nitrogen. These factors have been observed to influence the soil …
supply plants with nitrogen. These factors have been observed to influence the soil …