Circuit quantum electrodynamics
Quantum-mechanical effects at the macroscopic level were first explored in Josephson-
junction-based superconducting circuits in the 1980s. In recent decades, the emergence of …
junction-based superconducting circuits in the 1980s. In recent decades, the emergence of …
Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review
G Wendin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2017 -
During the last ten years, superconducting circuits have passed from being interesting
physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …
physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …
Demonstration of quantum volume 64 on a superconducting quantum computing system
We improve the quality of quantum circuits on superconducting quantum computing
systems, as measured by the quantum volume (QV), with a combination of dynamical …
systems, as measured by the quantum volume (QV), with a combination of dynamical …
A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic-bandgap metamaterial
Synthesizing many-body quantum systems with various ranges of interactions facilitates the
study of quantum chaotic dynamics. Such extended interaction range can be enabled by …
study of quantum chaotic dynamics. Such extended interaction range can be enabled by …
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be executed
exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor. A fundamental …
exponentially faster on a quantum processor than on a classical processor. A fundamental …
Mitigating measurement errors in multiqubit experiments
Reducing measurement errors in multiqubit quantum devices is critical for performing any
quantum algorithm. Here we show how to mitigate measurement errors by a classical …
quantum algorithm. Here we show how to mitigate measurement errors by a classical …
Exploiting dynamic quantum circuits in a quantum algorithm with superconducting qubits
To date, quantum computation on real, physical devices has largely been limited to simple,
time-ordered sequences of unitary operations followed by a final projective measurement …
time-ordered sequences of unitary operations followed by a final projective measurement …
Demonstration of a quantum error detection code using a square lattice of four superconducting qubits
The ability to detect and deal with errors when manipulating quantum systems is a
fundamental requirement for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Unlike classical bits that are …
fundamental requirement for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Unlike classical bits that are …
Practical guide for building superconducting quantum devices
Quantum computing offers a powerful new paradigm of information processing that has the
potential to transform a wide range of industries. In the pursuit of the tantalizing promises of …
potential to transform a wide range of industries. In the pursuit of the tantalizing promises of …
Implementing a strand of a scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing fabric
With favourable error thresholds and requiring only nearest-neighbour interactions on a
lattice, the surface code is an error-correcting code that has garnered considerable attention …
lattice, the surface code is an error-correcting code that has garnered considerable attention …