Heavy metal polluted soils: effect on plants and bioremediation methods

GU Chibuike, SC Obiora - Applied and environmental soil …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Soils polluted with heavy metals have become common across the globe due to increase in
geologic and anthropogenic activities. Plants growing on these soils show a reduction in …

Enzyme activities and microbiological and biochemical processes in soil

P Nannipieri, E Kandeler… - Enzymes in the …, 2002 - books.google.com
It is well known that soil organisms, particularly microbiota, play an essential role in the
cycling of elements and stabilization of soil structure (1, 2). The mineralization of organic …

[BOK][B] Enzymes in the environment: activity, ecology, and applications

RG Burns, RP Dick - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
Exploring the role of enzymes in biogeochemical processes, this reference explores the
function, molecular biology, and biochemistry of microorganisms and their intra-and extra …

Changes in enzyme activities and microbial biomass after “in situ” remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil

AP de Mora, JJ Ortega-Calvo, F Cabrera, E Madejón - Applied soil ecology, 2005 - Elsevier
Microbial properties such as microbial biomass carbon (MBC), arylsulfatase, β-glucosidase
and dehydrogenase activities, and microbial heterotrophic potential, together with several …

The dynamics of heavy metals in plant–soil interactions

SD Guala, FA Vega, EF Covelo - Ecological Modelling, 2010 - Elsevier
The effects of soil contamination by heavy metals are studied by a mathematical interaction
model, validated by experimental results. The model relates the dynamics of uptake of heavy …

Influence of inorganic and organic fertilization on soil microbial biomass, metabolic quotient and heavy metal bioavailability

L Leita, M De Nobili, C Mondini, G Muhlbachova… - Biology and Fertility of …, 1999 - Springer
We studied the long-term effects (12 years) of municipal refuse compost addition on the total
organic carbon (TOC), the amount and activity of the microbial biomass (soil microbial …

Unlocking the secrets of soil microbes: How decades-long contamination and heavy metals accumulation from sewage water and industrial effluents shape soil …

I Haider, MA Ali, M Sanaullah, N Ahmed, S Hussain… - Chemosphere, 2023 - Elsevier
Heavy metals contamination is posing severe threat to the soil health and environmental
sustainability. Application of industrial and sewage waste as irrigation and growing …

[PDF][PDF] The influence of heavy metals on soil biological and chemical properties.

M Friedlova - 2010 - swr.agriculturejournals.cz
Soil samples were collected at alluvial sites of the Litavka River, which flows through the
Beroun and Příbram cities in Central Bohemia Region of the Czech Republic in 2005 and …

Influence of cadmium on the metabolic quotient, l- : d-glutamic acid respiration ratio and enzyme activity : microbial biomass ratio under laboratory conditions

L Landi, G Renella, JL Moreno, L Falchini… - Biology and fertility of …, 2000 - Springer
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of very high cadmium concentrations (50
and 500 μg Cd g–1 soil) on some biochemical and microbiological measurements under …

Effects of sewage sludge amendment on humic acids and microbiological properties of a semiarid Mediterranean soil

JC García-Gil, C Plaza, N Senesi, G Brunetti… - Biology and Fertility of …, 2004 - Springer
The residual effects of adding 40 t ha− 1 sewage sludge (SL) to a degraded soil cropped
with barley were investigated after 9 and 36 months in a field experiment under semiarid …