A review of allochthonous organic matter dynamics and metabolism in streams
The role of allochthonous organic matter in lotic ecosystems has been an important research
topic among aquatic ecologists since the seminal work by Lindeman was published in 1942 …
topic among aquatic ecologists since the seminal work by Lindeman was published in 1942 …
Microplastic deposition velocity in streams follows patterns for naturally occurring allochthonous particles
Accumulation of plastic litter is accelerating worldwide. Rivers are a source of microplastic
(ie, particles< 5 mm) to oceans, but few measurements of microplastic retention in rivers …
(ie, particles< 5 mm) to oceans, but few measurements of microplastic retention in rivers …
Controls on eDNA movement in streams: Transport, retention, and resuspension
Advances in detection of genetic material from species in aquatic ecosystems, including
environmental DNA (eDNA), have improved species monitoring and management. eDNA …
environmental DNA (eDNA), have improved species monitoring and management. eDNA …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding environmental DNA detection probabilities: A case study using a stream-dwelling char Salvelinus fontinalis
Environmental DNA sampling (eDNA) has emerged as a powerful tool for detecting aquatic
animals. Previous research suggests that eDNA methods are substantially more sensitive …
animals. Previous research suggests that eDNA methods are substantially more sensitive …
Incorporating lakes within the river discontinuum: longitudinal changes in ecological characteristics in stream–lake networks
NE Jones - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic …, 2010 - cdnsciencepub.com
Lakes and rivers are intimately connected in an alternating series of lentic and lotic reaches
in many regions. The study of lakes and their outlets in hierarchical and branching river …
in many regions. The study of lakes and their outlets in hierarchical and branching river …
Stream hydrogeomorphology as a physical science basis for advances in stream ecology
GC Poole - Journal of the North American Benthological …, 2010 - journals.uchicago.edu
The disciplines of geomorphology, hydrology, and hydrogeology have had a marked
influence on the evolution of systems thinking in stream ecology. The River Continuum …
influence on the evolution of systems thinking in stream ecology. The River Continuum …
Hydrogeomorphology of the hyporheic zone: Stream solute and fine particle interactions with a dynamic streambed
Hyporheic flow in streams has typically been studied separately from geomorphic
processes. We investigated interactions between bed mobility and dynamic hyporheic …
processes. We investigated interactions between bed mobility and dynamic hyporheic …
Process-based modelling of invertebrate drift transport, net energy intake and reach carrying capacity for drift-feeding salmonids
JW Hayes, NF Hughes, LH Kelly - Ecological Modelling, 2007 - Elsevier
We present an overview of a process-based modelling approach for predicting how change
in flow affects drift density, net rate of energy intake (NREI) and numbers of drift-feeding …
in flow affects drift density, net rate of energy intake (NREI) and numbers of drift-feeding …
Deposition, benthic residence, and resuspension of fine organic particles in a mountain stream
JD Newbold, SA Thomas, GW Minshall… - Limnology and …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
We estimated deposition and resuspension rates of natural particulate organic matter (POM)
in Bloomington Creek, Idaho, a mountain stream flowing at 225 L s™ 1. POM was collected …
in Bloomington Creek, Idaho, a mountain stream flowing at 225 L s™ 1. POM was collected …
[DOC][DOC] Transport and storage of FPOM
JB Wallace, JW Grubaugh - Methods in stream ecology …, 1996 - researchgate.net
Fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) includes particles in the size range of> 0.45 µm to<
1000 µm (1.0 mm) that are either suspended in the water column (seston) or deposited …
1000 µm (1.0 mm) that are either suspended in the water column (seston) or deposited …