Comparative study on heat transfer and friction drag in the flow of various hybrid nanofluids effected by aligned magnetic field and nonlinear radiation
The key purpose of the existing article is to discuss the effects of various hybrid nanofluids
and a simple nanofluid over the heat transfer and friction drags along a stretched surface …
and a simple nanofluid over the heat transfer and friction drags along a stretched surface …
Effects of inclined magnetic field on mixed convection in a nanofluid filled double lid-driven cavity with volumetric heat generation or absorption using finite element …
A computational analysis has been performed on mixed convection in a double sided lid-
driven cavity in the presence of volumetric heat generation or absorption. Effects of inclined …
driven cavity in the presence of volumetric heat generation or absorption. Effects of inclined …
Non-linear radiation effects on magnetic/non-magnetic nanoparticles with different base fluids over a flat plate
This work investigates the two-dimensional steady convective boundary layer flow and heat
transfer of Newtonian/non-Newtonian base fluids with magnetic/non-magnetic nanoparticles …
transfer of Newtonian/non-Newtonian base fluids with magnetic/non-magnetic nanoparticles …
[PDF][PDF] Heat and mass transfer of MHD Casson nanofluid flow through a porous medium past a stretching sheet with Newtonian heating and chemical reaction
An analysis is made to investigate the effect of inclined magnetic field on Casson nanofluid
over a stretching sheet embedded in a saturated porous matrix in presence of thermal …
over a stretching sheet embedded in a saturated porous matrix in presence of thermal …
[HTML][HTML] Viscous and Joule's dissipation on Casson fluid over a chemically reacting stretching sheet with inclined magnetic field and multiple slips
Multiple slips are most significant in many biological processes such as blood pum** from
heart to various parts of body, endoscopy treatment, distribution of food and controlling the …
heart to various parts of body, endoscopy treatment, distribution of food and controlling the …
Multiple slips and heat source effects on MHD stagnation point flow of casson fluid over a stretching sheet in the presence of chemical reaction
The numerical analysis of the steady MHD stagnation point flow of a Casson fluid flow over a
stretching sheet in the presence of a heat source and the first-order chemical reaction with …
stretching sheet in the presence of a heat source and the first-order chemical reaction with …
[HTML][HTML] Magnetohydrodynamic radiative liquid thin film flow of kerosene based nanofluid with the aligned magnetic field
The boundary layer analysis of liquid film flow of ferrofluids has awesome consideration due
to its inexhaustible pragmatic applications in manufacturing processes. By kee** this in …
to its inexhaustible pragmatic applications in manufacturing processes. By kee** this in …
Sutterby hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer over a nonlinearly expanding sheet with convective boundary condition and zero-mass flux concentration
NZ Basha, C Rajashekhar… - … Journal of Modern …, 2024 - World Scientific
This paper examines the impacts of a nonlinearly expanding sheet on velocity, heat and
mass transport for a Suttery hybrid nanoliquid (mixture of Sutterby fluid and Al 2 O 3 and Cu) …
mass transport for a Suttery hybrid nanoliquid (mixture of Sutterby fluid and Al 2 O 3 and Cu) …
Soret and Dufour effects on unsteady Casson magneto-nanofluid flow over an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consider a two-dimensional unsteady Casson
magneto-nanfluid flow over an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium. The novelty of …
magneto-nanfluid flow over an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium. The novelty of …
The impact of inclined magnetic field on non-Newtonian fluid flow over a porous medium
T Maranna, U Shettar Mahabaleshwar… - AIP Conference …, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
In this paper investigate structure of the solution for the influence of an angled magnetic field
on fluid flow over a semi-infinite porous material with mass transpiration, by taking into …
on fluid flow over a semi-infinite porous material with mass transpiration, by taking into …