Psychosocial factors associated with talent development in football: A systematic review

A Gledhill, C Harwood, D Forsdyke - Psychology of sport and exercise, 2017 - Elsevier
Objectives To provide a critical systematic review of recent research into psychosocial
factors associated with talent development in football. Design Systematic review informed by …

The roles of coaches, peers, and parents in athletes' basic psychological needs: A mixed-studies review

TL Chu, T Zhang - International Journal of Sports Science & …, 2019 -
The purposes of this mixed-studies review were to summarize (a) the social environments
created by coaches, peers, and parents concurrently,(b) the relative influence of social …

Does sports club participation contribute to physical activity among children and adolescents? A comparison across six European countries

S Kokko, L Martin, S Geidne… - … journal of public …, 2019 -
Aims: Insufficient physical activity (PA) is one of the largest public health challenges of our
time and requires a multisectoral public-health response. PA recommendations state that all …

Adopting a helicopter-perspective towards motivating and demotivating coaching: A circumplex approach

J Delrue, B Reynders, GV Broek, N Aelterman… - Psychology of Sport and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Based on Self-Determination Theory, the present study adopts a helicopter-
perspective towards motivating (ie, autonomy support, structure) and demotivating coaching …

Empowering and disempowering coaching climates: Conceptualization, measurement considerations, and intervention implications

JL Duda, PR Appleton - Sport and exercise psychology research, 2016 - Elsevier
A considerable body of research in sport psychology and endless anecdotal accounts point
to the relevance of coach behaviors to how athletes respond to and feel about their sport …

A holistic perspective on career development in UK female soccer players: A negative case analysis

A Gledhill, C Harwood - Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2015 - Elsevier
Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine career experiences of UK-based
female youth soccer players from a holistic perspective with a view to producing a grounded …

Opting out of youth sports: how can we understand the social processes involved?

M Persson, LE Espedalen, K Stefansen… - Sport, Education and …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Sports researchers often examine the subject of youth quitting sports through quantitative
surveys using fixed-choice questionnaires. In this paper, we analyze 1,248 descriptions …

Youth sport dropout according to the Process-Person-Context-Time model: A systematic review

K Moulds, S Galloway, S Abbott… - International Review of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Examined from Bio-Ecological System Theory's PPCT model perspective, this
study systematically reviewed how youth sport dropout literature has been theoretically …

Monitoring practices of training load and biological maturity in UK soccer academies

J Salter, MBADS Croix, JD Hughes… - … Journal of Sports …, 2021 -
Purpose: Overuse injury risk increases during periods of accelerated growth, which can
subsequently impact development in academy soccer, suggesting a need to quantify …

Predicting perceived sport performance via self-determination theory

J Lourenço, BJ Almagro… - … and motor skills, 2022 -
Sport performance depends in part on psychological factors. Self-determination theory
emphasizes that the satisfisfaction of basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation …