[КНИГА][B] Inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering theory

DL Colton, R Kress, R Kress - 1998 - Springer
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a survey of our book by placing what we have to
say in a historical context. We obviously cannot give a complete account of inverse …

[КНИГА][B] Qualitative methods in inverse scattering theory: An introduction

F Cakoni, D Colton - 2005 - books.google.com
Inverse scattering theory has been a particularly active and successful field in applied
mathematics and engineering for the past twenty years. The increasing demands of imaging …

[КНИГА][B] A qualitative approach to inverse scattering theory

F Cakoni, DL Colton - 2014 - Springer
The field of inverse scattering theory has been a particularly active field in applied
mathematics for the past 25 years. The aim of research in this field has been to not only …

[КНИГА][B] Обратные задачи в механике деформируемого твердого тела

А Ватульян - 2022 - books.google.com
Рассмотрены различные классы обратных задач механики деформируемого твердого
тела–ретроспективные, граничные, коэффициентные, геометрические, в которых по …

The linear sampling method for cracks

F Cakoni, D Colton - Inverse problems, 2003 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the inverse scattering problem of determining the shape of an infinite cylinder
having an open arc as cross section from a knowledge of the TM-polarized scattered …

Looking back on inverse scattering theory

D Colton, R Kress - SIAM Review, 2018 - SIAM
Looking Back on Inverse Scattering Theory Page 1 Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized
reproduction of this article is prohibited. SIAM REVIEW c 2018 Society for Industrial and Applied …

Inversescattering for shape and impedance

R Kress, W Rundell - Inverse problems, 2001 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the inverse problem of determining both the shape and the impedance of a two-
dimensional scatterer from a knowledge of the far-field pattern of the scattering of time …

Multi-frequency subspace migration for imaging of perfectly conducting, arc-like cracks in full-and limited-view inverse scattering problems

WK Park - Journal of Computational Physics, 2015 - Elsevier
Multi-frequency subspace migration imaging techniques are usually adopted for the non-
iterative imaging of unknown electromagnetic targets, such as cracks in concrete walls or …

[PDF][PDF] Integral equations for inverse problems in corrosion detection from partial Cauchy data

F Cakoni, R Kress - Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2007 - sites.math.rutgers.edu
We consider the inverse problem to recover a part Γc of the boundary of a simply connected
planar domain D from a pair of Cauchy data of a harmonic function u in D on the remaining …

[HTML][HTML] Fast identification of short, sound-soft open arcs by the orthogonality sampling method in the limited-aperture inverse scattering problem

CY Ahn, S Chae, WK Park - Applied Mathematics Letters, 2020 - Elsevier
The orthogonality sampling method (OSM) is a recently developed non-iterative technique
for imaging and identifying targets in inverse scattering problems. In this paper, a set of short …