[HTML][HTML] Using nutritional strategies to shape the gastro-intestinal tracts of suckling and weaned piglets

AMS Huting, A Middelkoop, X Guan, F Molist - Animals, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Throughout the world, piglet mortality and morbidity in large litters are a
major welfare concern and source of economic losses. Gastro-intestinal problems rank …

A review on early gut maturation and colonization in pigs, including biological and dietary factors affecting gut homeostasis

N Everaert, S Van Cruchten, B Weström… - Animal feed science and …, 2017 - Elsevier
During the prenatal, neonatal and post-weaning periods, the mammalian gastrointestinal
tract undergoes various morphological and physiological changes alongside with an …

Long-term effects of colostrum intake in piglet mortality and performance

I Declerck, J Dewulf, S Sarrazin… - Journal of Animal …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
The present study investigated the long-term effects of colostrum intake on performance and
mortality in pigs. A total of 1,455 live-born piglets in 10 commercial herds were followed from …

[HTML][HTML] Piglet viability: A review of identification and pre-weaning management strategies

BS Tucker, JR Craig, RS Morrison, RJ Smits… - Animals, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Neonatal piglet viability is decreasing in concert with the selection for ever-
greater numbers of piglets born per sow per year. Their survival depends on the early …

Management strategies to improve the performance of low birth weight pigs to weaning and their long-term consequences,

SL Douglas, SA Edwards… - Journal of Animal …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Performance of pigs from birth to slaughter is a result of a complex interaction of factors, with
the early stages of a pig's life likely to affect lifetime performance. During the preweaning …

Identification of risk factors associated with poor lifetime growth performance in pigs

SL Douglas, SA Edwards, E Sutcliffe… - Journal of Animal …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
During the production period from birth to slaughter there are some pigs that grow markedly
slower, despite conditions that seem to support the growth of their contemporaries. This …

Potential risk factors related to pig body weight variability from birth to slaughter in commercial conditions

S López-Vergé, J Gasa, M Farré, J Coma… - Translational Animal …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
The aim of this observational study is to identify risk factors associated with body weight
(BW) variability in three data sets (DS) in commercial conditions. A total of 1,009 (DS1), 460 …

Once small always small? To what extent morphometric characteristics and post-weaning starter regime affect pig lifetime growth performance

AMS Huting, P Sakkas, I Wellock, K Almond… - Porcine Health …, 2018 - Springer
Background The aim of this study was to determine the effect of piglet morphometric
characteristics and starter regime on postnatal growth. Some piglets born light are able to …

The influence of piglet weight placed for rearing on their productive quality and efficiency of rearing

MG Povod, OG Mykhalko, OO Izhboldina… - Ukrainian Journal of …, 2023 - ujvas.com.ua
The article studied the effect of the initial weight of piglets when placed on rearing on their
growth intensity, average daily feed consumption and feed conversion, cost indicators of the …

Changes in faecal microbiota profiles associated with performance and birthweight of piglets

CH Gaukroger, CJ Stewart, SA Edwards… - Frontiers in …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
The gastrointestinal tract microbiota interacts with the host to modulate metabolic phenotype.
This interaction could provide insights into why some low birthweight pigs can exhibit …