Blockchain for IoT access control: Recent trends and future research directions
With the rapid development of wireless sensor networks, smart devices, and traditional
information and communication technologies, there is tremendous growth in the use of …
information and communication technologies, there is tremendous growth in the use of …
The effect of security, privacy, familiarity, and trust on users' attitudes toward the use of the IoT-based healthcare: the mediation role of risk perception
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of devices which contain electronics,
sensors or software that enables them to connect at anytime and anywhere through a cyber …
sensors or software that enables them to connect at anytime and anywhere through a cyber …
A survey on IoT trust model frameworks
Trust can be considered as a multidisciplinary concept, which is strongly related to the
context and it falls in different fields such as Philosophy, Psychology or Computer Science …
context and it falls in different fields such as Philosophy, Psychology or Computer Science …
Trustee: A trust management system for fog-enabled cyber physical systems
In this paper, we propose a lightweight trust management system (TMS) for fog-enabled
cyber physical systems (Fog-CPS). Trust computation is based on multi-factor and multi …
cyber physical systems (Fog-CPS). Trust computation is based on multi-factor and multi …
TrUStAPIS: a trust requirements elicitation method for IoT
The internet of things (IoT) is an environment of interconnected entities, which are
identifiable, usable and controllable via the Internet. Trust is useful for a system such as the …
identifiable, usable and controllable via the Internet. Trust is useful for a system such as the …
Manual, Hybrid, and Automatic Privacy Covers for Smart Home Cameras
Smart home cameras (SHCs) offer convenience and security to users, but also cause
greater privacy concerns than other sensors due to constant collection and processing of …
greater privacy concerns than other sensors due to constant collection and processing of …
[HTML][HTML] Trust interoperability in the Internet of Things
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm where entities or things are
interconnected, often in heterogeneous contexts. As the interconnection happens, things …
interconnected, often in heterogeneous contexts. As the interconnection happens, things …
[ספר][B] Internet of things and access control: sensing, monitoring and controlling access in IoT-enabled healthcare systems
S Pal - 2021 -
This book presents the design and development of an access control architecture for the
Internet of Things (IoT) systems. It considers the significant authentication and authorization …
Internet of Things (IoT) systems. It considers the significant authentication and authorization …
IoT: smart garbage monitoring using android and real time database
Every single day, garbage is always produced and sometimes, due to the unbalance
between high volume produced and the garbage volume transported to the landfill; it then …
between high volume produced and the garbage volume transported to the landfill; it then …
Allocation of applications to Fog resources via semantic clustering techniques: With scenarios from intelligent transportation systems
The fast development in IoT and Cloud technologies has propelled the emergence of a
variety of computing paradigms, among which Fog and Edge computing are salient …
variety of computing paradigms, among which Fog and Edge computing are salient …