Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments
Applied psychologists have developed sophisticated tools and techniques intended to
improve the effectiveness of organizations, and substantial evidence attesting to the value of …
improve the effectiveness of organizations, and substantial evidence attesting to the value of …
International human resource management: review and critique
The research agenda for the field of international human resource management (IHRM) is
clear. For a better understanding and to benefit substantially, management scholars must …
clear. For a better understanding and to benefit substantially, management scholars must …
[KNJIGA][B] The global challenge: International human resource management
Formerly published by Chicago Business Press, now published by Sage Since strategy,
organizational capabilities, and people management are increasingly intertwined in …
organizational capabilities, and people management are increasingly intertwined in …
The study of relationship among experiential marketing, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty
PA Zena, AD Hadisumarto - Asean marketing journal, 2013 - scholarhub.ui.ac.id
Experiential marketing is one of the marketing approaches that gives a great framework to
combine experience and entertainment elements into a product or service. Some of …
combine experience and entertainment elements into a product or service. Some of …
[KNJIGA][B] Employee retention and turnover: Why employees stay or leave
This exploration of what employee turnover is, why it happens, and what it means for
companies and employees draws together contemporary and classic theories and research …
companies and employees draws together contemporary and classic theories and research …
Teaching Culture. Strategies for Intercultural Communication.
HN Seelye - 1984 - ERIC
Based on the assertion that language and culture study are best brought together when the
teacher is effective in the affective as well as cognitive and skills domains, teaching …
teacher is effective in the affective as well as cognitive and skills domains, teaching …
Personnel/human resources management: A political influence perspective
GR Ferris, TA Judge - Journal of management, 1991 - journals.sagepub.com
It was suggested over 10 years ago that new and different perspectives should be applied to
the Personnel/Human Resources Management (P/HRM) field in an effort to promote theory …
the Personnel/Human Resources Management (P/HRM) field in an effort to promote theory …
An integrative framework of strategic international human resource management
The globalization of business is making it more important than ever to understand how
multinational enterprises (MNEs) can operate more effectively. A major component of this …
multinational enterprises (MNEs) can operate more effectively. A major component of this …
In the shadow: The impact of language on structure, power and communication in the multinational
The principal aim of this paper is to explore the impact of language on communication within
large and geographically dispersed multinationals. Much of the earlier research emphasizes …
large and geographically dispersed multinationals. Much of the earlier research emphasizes …
You can take it with you: individual differences and expatriate effectiveness.
The authors report the collaborative efforts of 2 research teams that independently
investigated the effects of stable personality traits (the Big Five) and specific behavioral …
investigated the effects of stable personality traits (the Big Five) and specific behavioral …