[BOOK][B] Strongly regular graphs

AE Brouwer, H Van Maldeghem - 2022 - books.google.com
Strongly regular graphs lie at the intersection of statistical design, group theory, finite
geometry, information and coding theory, and extremal combinatorics. This monograph …

Strongly regular graphs

AE Brouwer, WH Haemers, AE Brouwer, WH Haemers - Spectra of graphs, 2012 - Springer
Strongly Regular Graphs Page 1 Chapter 9 Strongly Regular Graphs 9.1 Strongly regular
graphs A graph (simple, undirected, and loopless) of order v is called strongly regular with …

Mckay's canonical graph labeling algorithm

SG Hartke, AJ Radcliffe - Communicating mathematics, 2009 - books.google.com
The problem of deciding whether two graphs are isomorphic is fundamental in graph theory.
Moreover, the flexibility with which other combinatorial objects can be modeled by graphs …

A 64-dimensional two-distance counterexample to Borsuk's conjecture

T Jenrich - arxiv preprint arxiv:1308.0206, 2013 - arxiv.org
In 1933 Karol Borsuk asked whether each bounded set in the n-dimensional Euclidean
space can be divided into n+ 1 parts of smaller diameter. The diameter of a set is defined as …

[PDF][PDF] Unitals, projective planes and other combinatorial structures constructed from the unitary groups

D Crnković, V Mikulić - Ars combinatoria, 2013 - combinatorialpress.com
Let G be a finite permutation group acting primitively on sets Il and K2. We describe a
construction of a 1-design with the block set Slı and the point set SB2, having G as an …

Designs, strongly regular graphs and codes constructed from some primitive groups

D Crnković, V Mikulić Crnković… - … , Coding Theory and …, 2011 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Let G be a finite group acting primitively on the sets Ω 1 and Ω 2. We describe a construction
of 1-designs with block set Ω 1 and block set Ω 2, having G as an automorphism group …

Some strongly regular graphs and self-orthogonal codes from the unitary group U4 (3)

D Crnković, V Mikulić, BG Rodrigues - Glasnik matematički, 2010 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak We construct self-orthogonal codes from the row span over F2 or F3 of the
adjacency matrices of some strongly regular graphs defined by the rank-3 action of the …

A construction of the sporadic Suzuki graph from U3 (4)

AE Brouwer, N Horiguchi, M Kitazume… - Journal of Combinatorial …, 2009 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider the maximum coclique design of the sporadic Suzuki graph. Then
we obtain the 3-(66, 16, 21) design with the automorphism group U3 (4): 4. We construct this …

New strongly regular graphs derived from the G2 (4) graph

T Jenrich - arxiv preprint arxiv:1409.3520, 2014 - arxiv.org
We consider simple loopless finite undirected graphs. Such a graph is called strongly
regular with parameter set (v, k, l, m), for short a srg (v, k, l, m), iff it has exactly v vertices …