Carbon-based nanostructures as a versatile platform for tunable π-magnetism
Emergence of π-magnetism in open-shell nanographenes has been theoretically predicted
decades ago but their experimental characterization was elusive due to the strong chemical …
decades ago but their experimental characterization was elusive due to the strong chemical …
Effective Work Functions of the Elements: Database, Most probable value, Previously recommended value, Polycrystalline thermionic contrast, Change at critical …
H Kawano - Progress in surface science, 2022 - Elsevier
As a much-enriched supplement to the previous review paper entitled the “Effective work
functions for ionic and electronic emissions from mono-and polycrystalline surfaces”[Prog …
functions for ionic and electronic emissions from mono-and polycrystalline surfaces”[Prog …
Multi‐Component Organic Layers on Metal Substrates
Increasingly high hopes are being placed on organic semiconductors for a variety of
applications. Progress along these lines, however, requires the design and growth of …
applications. Progress along these lines, however, requires the design and growth of …
Integrated molecular diode as 10 MHz half-wave rectifier based on an organic nanostructure heterojunction
Considerable efforts have been made to realize nanoscale diodes based on single
molecules or molecular ensembles for implementing the concept of molecular electronics …
molecules or molecular ensembles for implementing the concept of molecular electronics …
Tailoring molecular architectures of Fe phthalocyanine on nanocarbon supports for high oxygen reduction performance
Cost-effective non-precious metal electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is
the key for fuel cells to become a viable electricity generation technology. Metal macrocyclic …
the key for fuel cells to become a viable electricity generation technology. Metal macrocyclic …
Advanced characterization of organic–metal and organic–organic interfaces: From photoelectron spectroscopy data to energy-level diagrams
Organic–metal and organic–organic interfaces account for the functionality of virtually all
organic optoelectronic applications and the energy-level alignment is of particular …
organic optoelectronic applications and the energy-level alignment is of particular …
Charge transfer and symmetry reduction at the CuPc/Ag (110) interface studied by photoemission tomography
On the Ag (110) surface copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) orders in two structurally similar
superstructures, as revealed by low-energy electron diffraction. Scanning tunneling …
superstructures, as revealed by low-energy electron diffraction. Scanning tunneling …
Investigation into electronic interaction and work function tuning of phthalocyanine molecules and graphene interfaces
Understanding the interfacial electronic structures of organic semiconductor
phthalocyanines (MePc) and graphene is essential for their practical application in various …
phthalocyanines (MePc) and graphene is essential for their practical application in various …
A solvent‐free solution: vacuum‐deposited organic monolayers modify work functions of noble metal electrodes
F Widdascheck, AA Hauke… - Advanced Functional …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The energy level alignment between organic semiconductors (OSCs) and the respective
(metal) electrodes in organic electronic devices is of key importance for efficient charge …
(metal) electrodes in organic electronic devices is of key importance for efficient charge …
Charge State Control of F16CoPc on h‐BN/Cu(111)
The use of molecular materials in solar cells and nano‐electronics demands a fundamental
understanding and control of their electronic properties. Particularly relevant is the molecular …
understanding and control of their electronic properties. Particularly relevant is the molecular …