Marine spatial planning
Planning of marine areas is being developed worldwide to foster sustainable ocean
management and governance. Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a process that aims to …
management and governance. Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a process that aims to …
Adaptive bathymetry estimation for shallow coastal waters using Planet Dove satellites
Accurate bathymetric map** of shallow waters (above 15 m) is essential for a wide range
of scientific research, government, transport, and industry globally. Satellite-based …
of scientific research, government, transport, and industry globally. Satellite-based …
Automated global shallow water bathymetry map** using Google Earth Engine
Global shallow water bathymetry maps offer critical information to inform activities such as
scientific research, environment protection, and marine transportation. Methods that employ …
scientific research, environment protection, and marine transportation. Methods that employ …
Remotely sensed habitat diversity predicts species diversity on coral reefs
The ability to map coral reef biodiversity from orbit would greatly advance marine spatial
planning. Presently, reef biodiversity is measured in situ by divers, but this method is …
planning. Presently, reef biodiversity is measured in situ by divers, but this method is …
[HTML][HTML] Object-based map** of coral reef habitats using planet dove satellites
High spatial resolution benthic habitat information is essential for coral reef protection and
coastal environmental management. Satellite-based shallow benthic composition map** …
coastal environmental management. Satellite-based shallow benthic composition map** …
Performance test of clean-coastal-water composite sentinel 2A image for shallow water bathymetry map**
The “clean-coastal-water time-series composite” image preprocessing algorithm is one of
the alternatives for obtaining minimal atmospheric disturbance satellite images for data …
the alternatives for obtaining minimal atmospheric disturbance satellite images for data …
[HTML][HTML] The sensitivity of multi-spectral satellite sensors to benthic habitat change
Coral reef ecosystems are under stress due to human-driven climate change and coastal
activities. Satellite-based monitoring approaches offer an alternative to traditional field …
activities. Satellite-based monitoring approaches offer an alternative to traditional field …
Marine zoning in St. Kitts and Nevis: a design for sustainable management in the Caribbean
Similar to many coastal or island countries, the waters around St. Kitts and Nevis, an island
nation in the Eastern Caribbean, are home to multiple, cumulative, and often conflicting uses …
nation in the Eastern Caribbean, are home to multiple, cumulative, and often conflicting uses …
Benthic map** of the Bluefields Bay fish sanctuary, Jamaica
K McIntyre - LUMA-GIS Thesis, 2015 - lup.lub.lu.se
Small island states, such as those in the Caribbean, are dependent on the nearshore marine
ecosystem complex and its resources; the goods and services provided by seagrass and …
ecosystem complex and its resources; the goods and services provided by seagrass and …
Map** shallow nearshore benthic features in a Caribbean marine-protected area: assessing the efficacy of using different data types (hydroacoustic versus satellite …
Various benthic map** methods exist but financing and technical capacity limit the choice
of technology available to develo** states to aid with natural resource management …
of technology available to develo** states to aid with natural resource management …