Computational technologies for fashion recommendation: A survey
Fashion recommendation is a key research field in computational fashion research and has
attracted considerable interest in the computer vision, multimedia, and information retrieval …
attracted considerable interest in the computer vision, multimedia, and information retrieval …
Designing retail-Unravelling co** strategies through emphatic interviewing owner managers.
SM Madsen, A Petermans - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020 - Elsevier
This research aims at demonstrating how retail designers through empathic interviewing
and listening to the story that retailers tell about their retail concept, can program the retail …
and listening to the story that retailers tell about their retail concept, can program the retail …
La omnicanalidad y su implementación como estrategia en la logística del sector retail: un estado del arte
SJ Vela Oñate - 2023 -
La tecnología ha tenido un crecimiento en los últimos años de manera exponencial con
diversas innovaciones que se han puesto al servicio de la humanidad en diferentes …
diversas innovaciones que se han puesto al servicio de la humanidad en diferentes …
Kurumsal bir mekân olarak moda mağazalarında yenilikçi yaklaşımlar ve fijital tasarım modeli
M Öztekin - 2022 -
Kimlik birçok akademik disiplin içinde var olmuş bir kavramdır. Nesnelerin, insanların ya da
herhangi bir şeyin ifadesidir. Günümüzde kimlik profesyonel bir temsil niteliğinde kurumsal …
herhangi bir şeyin ifadesidir. Günümüzde kimlik profesyonel bir temsil niteliğinde kurumsal …
Development of multi-channel marketing strategies for develo** markets for low-cost consumer product goods
FS Al Fayad - Journal of Business and Retail Management …, 2020 -
This study has examined the development of multi-channel marketing strategies and
solutions that are intended for emerging or develo** markets. The specific focus of the …
solutions that are intended for emerging or develo** markets. The specific focus of the …
[PDF][PDF] The Course of Study and the Scheme of Examinations
SN Part - Stress -
2. Graduates will interact with their peers in other disciplines in industry and society and
contribute to the economic growth of the country. 3. Graduates will draw upon foundational …
contribute to the economic growth of the country. 3. Graduates will draw upon foundational …
S Sanni -
Chanel est une entreprise qui a su maintenir son succès au fil du temps. Étant une
entreprise très connue dans le monde entier, elle a été un objet d'étude pour plusieurs …
entreprise très connue dans le monde entier, elle a été un objet d'étude pour plusieurs …
[PDF][PDF] BACHELOR OF SCIENCE B. Sc. VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS UNDER CBCS (With effect from 2021-2022) The Course of Study and the Scheme of …
SN Part -
Communication models: Shannon and Weaver model-essentials of effective
communicationcommunication techniques-Wesley and MacLean Model of communication …
communicationcommunication techniques-Wesley and MacLean Model of communication …
Digital marketing influence in the Dutch retail industry: Develo** a business plan for a digital marketing agency specialized in retail
A Brandsma - 2018 -
Digital marketing is changing the way that retail companies communicate and maintain
relationships with their customers. The consumers are at the forefront of dictating how they …
relationships with their customers. The consumers are at the forefront of dictating how they …
[CARTE][B] Intention vs. Perception of Designed Atmospheres in Fashion Stores
MB Münster - 2018 -
Retail stores are designed to attract and inspire consumers. They also function as
communication platforms between brand and consumer. Customers, both consciously and …
communication platforms between brand and consumer. Customers, both consciously and …