[HTML][HTML] Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
The basins and orogens of the Mediterranean region ultimately result from the opening of
oceans during the early break-up of Pangea since the Triassic, and their subsequent …
oceans during the early break-up of Pangea since the Triassic, and their subsequent …
The deep structure of the Alps based on the CIFALPS seismic experiment: A synthesis
Abstract The European Alps are the site where classic geologic concepts such as nappe
theory, continental subduction and slab breakoff have been first proposed. However, the …
theory, continental subduction and slab breakoff have been first proposed. However, the …
Ivrea mantle wedge, arc of the Western Alps, and kinematic evolution of the Alps–Apennines orogenic system
The construction of five crustal-scale profiles across the Western Alps and the Ivrea mantle
wedge integrates up-to-date geological and geophysical information and reveals important …
wedge integrates up-to-date geological and geophysical information and reveals important …
Detailed tectonic reconstructions of the Western Mediterranean region for the last 35 Ma, insights on driving mechanisms
Slab retreat, slab tearing and interactions of slabs are first-order drivers of the deformation of
the overriding lithosphere. An independent description of the tectonic evolution of the back …
the overriding lithosphere. An independent description of the tectonic evolution of the back …
Continuity of the Alpine slab unraveled by high‐resolution P wave tomography
The question of lateral and/or vertical continuity of subducted slabs in active orogens is a hot
topic partly due to poorly resolved tomographic data. The complex slab structure beneath …
topic partly due to poorly resolved tomographic data. The complex slab structure beneath …
Kinematics of the Alpenrhein‐Bodensee graben system in the Central Alps: Oligocene/Miocene transtension due to formation of the Western Alps arc
We report fault slip data from exhumed fault surfaces along the NNE trending Alpenrhein
valley and its intersection with the WNW striking Bodensee Graben near the Alpine thrust …
valley and its intersection with the WNW striking Bodensee Graben near the Alpine thrust …
Contrasting styles of (U) HP rock exhumation along the Cenozoic Adria‐Europe plate boundary (Western Alps, Calabria, Corsica)
Since the first discovery of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) rocks 30 years ago in the Western Alps,
the mechanisms for exhumation of (U) HP terranes worldwide are still debated. In the …
the mechanisms for exhumation of (U) HP terranes worldwide are still debated. In the …
Orogenic processes and the Corsica/Apennines geodynamic evolution: insights from Taiwan
Abstract The Alps/Apennines system, as well as many collisional orogens through the world,
shows a finite deformation produced during a long geological history which involves …
shows a finite deformation produced during a long geological history which involves …
Eocene rotation of Sardinia, and the paleogeography of the western Mediterranean region
Key to understanding the complex Mediterranean subduction history is the kinematic
reconstruction of its paleogeography after Jurassic extension between Iberia, Eurasia, and …
reconstruction of its paleogeography after Jurassic extension between Iberia, Eurasia, and …
Transpressive deformation in the southern european variscan belt: new insights from the aiguilles rouges massif (Western Alps)
Despite the Mediterranean sector of the Variscan Belt being fragmented and reworked
during Alpine orogenesis, evidence for the activity of a right‐lateral strike‐slip shear zone …
during Alpine orogenesis, evidence for the activity of a right‐lateral strike‐slip shear zone …