A comparison of the quality of data-driven programming hint generation algorithms

TW Price, Y Dong, R Zhi, B Paaßen, N Lytle… - International Journal of …, 2019 - Springer
In the domain of programming, a growing number of algorithms automatically generate data-
driven, next-step hints that suggest how students should edit their code to resolve errors and …

Comparing stars: On approximating graph edit distance

Z Zeng, AKH Tung, J Wang, J Feng… - Proceedings of the VLDB …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Graph data have become ubiquitous and manipulating them based on similarity is essential
for many applications. Graph edit distance is one of the most widely accepted measures to …

[PDF][PDF] 大数据的-个重要方面 数据可用性

**建中, 刘显敏 - 2013 - cs.sjtu.edu.cn
摘要!"# $% &'()*+,-.# $/0 123 4567893:;% &'<=>?@ ABCDEF GFHI# $8 J'KLMN
OPQRSTU@'VWIABXYZ [\],@ AB'KLVW^ _I!" AB'aZbc deABQ!^ fS ABXYZghiKjk l# $8 J …

The pq-gram distance between ordered labeled trees

N Augsten, M Böhlen, J Gamper - ACM Transactions on Database …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
When integrating data from autonomous sources, exact matches of data items that represent
the same real-world object often fail due to a lack of common keys. Yet in many cases …

[Књига][B] Similarity joins in relational database systems

N Augsten, M Bohlen - 2013 - books.google.com
State-of-the-art database systems manage and process a variety of complex objects,
including strings and trees. For such objects equality comparisons are often not meaningful …

An automated framework for recommending program elements to novices (n)

K Zimmerman, CR Rupakheti - 2015 30th IEEE/ACM …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Novice programmers often learn programming by implementing well-known algorithms.
There are several challenges in the process. Recommendation systems in software currently …

[PDF][PDF] Reducing the state space of programming problems through data-driven feature detection

R Zhi, TW Price, N Lytle, Y Dong… - Educational Data Mining …, 2018 - drive.google.com
The large state space of programming problems makes providing adaptive support in
intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) difficult. Reducing the state space size could allow for …

LigRE: Reverse-engineering of control and data flow models for black-box XSS detection

F Duchene, S Rawat, JL Richier… - 2013 20th Working …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Fuzz testing consists of automatically generating and sending malicious inputs to an
application in order to hopefully trigger a vulnerability. In order to be efficient, the fuzzing …

Guiding next-step hint generation using automated tests

F Obermüller, U Heuer, G Fraser - … of the 26th ACM Conference on …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Learning basic programming with Scratch can be hard for novices and tutors alike: Students
may not know how to advance when solving a task, teachers may face classrooms with …

Catnip: An automated hint generation tool for scratch

B Fein, F Obermüller, G Fraser - … of the 27th ACM Conference on on …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Taking the first steps when learning how to program can be hard. Block-based programming
languages like Scratch lower this hurdle, but learners may nevertheless get stuck when …