[Књига][B] Practical philosophy: Ethics, society and culture

J Haldane - 2011 - books.google.com
In this wide ranging volume of philosophical essays John Haldane explores some central
areas of social life and issues of intense academic and public debate. These include the …

[PDF][PDF] Valta kotikasvatuksessa

E Gjerstad - 2009 - helda.helsinki.fi
The aim of this research was to explore how issues of power manifest themselves in
bringing up children at home. The motivation for the topic was to find out more about home …

[Књига][B] Ethics in the Wake of Wittgenstein

B De Mesel, O Kuusela - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The essays in this collection explore the significance of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought
for moral philosophy, with a focus on the later Wittgenstein. Their aim is to clarify and …

Peter Winch: Philosophy as the art of disagreement

L Hertzberg - From ontos verlag: Publications of the Austrian Ludwig …, 2013 - degruyter.com
Peter Winch: Philosophy as the Art of Disagreement Page 1 Chapter 2 Peter Winch: Philosophy
as the Art of Disagreement LARS HERTZBERG If I light an electric torch at night out of doors I …

[Књига][B] Ordered to Flourish: A Metaphysical Analysis of the Nature and Basis of Divine Authority

RD Kline - 2023 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation presents a metaphysical conceptual model of divine authority. It argues that
divine authority is a hierarchical relationship between God and created rational beings …

Winch on Political Authority & Obedience

M Barabas - Ethics, Society and Politics: Themes from the …, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The article considers Peter Winch's novel approach to Contractarianism in his 1990
“Certainty and Authority”, which links Hume's criticism with arguments from Wittgenstein's On …

Rationalität und die Institution der Sprache. Das Unhintergehbare im überkommenen Hintergrund

U Arnswald - Rationalität und Irrationalität in den Wissenschaften, 2011 - Springer
Daß, was Menschen die Welt nennen, ist immer sprachlich verfaßt. Zwangsläufig hat jeder
Mensch nur qua Sprache Zugang zur sogenannten „Welt “, da diese folgerichtig nur durch …

The ethical and the political in the dilemma of Winch's Vere

L Reid - Ethics in the Wake of Wittgenstein, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Winch's important paper “The Universalizability of Moral Judgment” places in question the
relationship the moral and the political. Alweiss argues, via Kantian contractarianism and …

초국가적 사회운동과 개인의 국제정치: 국가 권위에 대한 도전과 이론적 함의

민병원 - 국제지역연구, 2015 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
이 논문은 국제정치의 핵심적인 행위주체인 국가의 위상이 상대적으로 위축되면서 새롭게
떠오르고 있는 초국가적 사회운동의 근원과 작동 논리에 대하여 살펴보는 것을 목표로 한다. 그 …