Estimated ground motion from the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake at the site of the Interstate 10 and La Cienega Boulevard bridge collapse, West Los …
DM Boore, JF Gibbs, WB Joyner… - Bulletin of the …, 2003 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
We have estimated ground motions at the site of a bridge collapse during the 1994
Northridge, California, earthquake. The estimated motions are based on correcting motions …
Northridge, California, earthquake. The estimated motions are based on correcting motions …
Liquefaction and cyclic softening at Balboa Boulevard during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
The seismic performance of Balboa Boulevard during the 1994 MW 6.7 Northridge
earthquake was examined through nonlinear deformation analyses (NDAs) using advanced …
earthquake was examined through nonlinear deformation analyses (NDAs) using advanced …
Interferometric multichannel analysis of surface waves (IMASW)
DRH O'Connell, JP Turner - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 2011 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Refraction microtremor (ReMi) and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) are
effective approaches to estimate shallow shear-wave velocity (VS) structure often needed to …
effective approaches to estimate shallow shear-wave velocity (VS) structure often needed to …
Stochastic finite-fault modeling of ground motions from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake: application to rock and soil sites with implications for nonlinear site …
The stochastic method for simulating strong ground motions from finite faults is applied to the
records of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. The method involves discretization of the …
records of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. The method involves discretization of the …
Large-amplitude ground-motion recordings and their interpretations
FO Strasser, JJ Bommer - Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 2009 - Elsevier
Empirical recordings of ground motions featuring large amplitudes of acceleration or velocity
play a key role in defining the maximum levels of ground motion required for the design of …
play a key role in defining the maximum levels of ground motion required for the design of …
Recent developments in the understanding of earthquake site response and associated seismic code implementation
R Dobry, S Iai - ISRM International Symposium, 2000 - onepetro.org
The paper focuses on the compelling evidence on site amplification of earthquake motions
accumulated in the last fifteen years or so, which resulted in recent changes in the way site …
accumulated in the last fifteen years or so, which resulted in recent changes in the way site …
Responses of buried corrugated metal pipes to earthquakes
CA Davis, JP Bardet - Journal of geotechnical and …, 2000 - ascelibrary.org
This study describes the results of field investigations and analyses carried out on 61
corrugated metal pipes (CMP) that were shaken by the 1994 Northridge earthquake. These …
corrugated metal pipes (CMP) that were shaken by the 1994 Northridge earthquake. These …
SUA: A computer program to compute regolith site-response and estimate uncertainty for probabilistic seismic hazard analyses
The presence of soils, geological sediments and weathered rock (collectively known as
regolith) can amplify the level of ground shaking experienced during an earthquake …
regolith) can amplify the level of ground shaking experienced during an earthquake …
[PDF][PDF] Linear and nonlinear behaviors of soft soil layers using Lotung downhole array in Taiwan
HC Huang, CS Shieh, HC Chiu - … and Oceanic Sciences, 2001 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
We analyze the acceleration records of a vertical array to study the linear and nonlinear
behavior of the soft soil layers at LSST site, Lotung, Taiwan. This array includes five triaxial …
behavior of the soft soil layers at LSST site, Lotung, Taiwan. This array includes five triaxial …
Nonlinear site response at liquefiable sites: insights from downhole seismic observations
The nonlinear behavior of shallow soil plays an important role in modifying surface ground
motions. We analyze the nonlinear site response at liquefiable sites using the compiled long …
motions. We analyze the nonlinear site response at liquefiable sites using the compiled long …