Advances in the field of intranasal oxytocin research: lessons learned and future directions for clinical research
Reports on the modulatory role of the neuropeptide oxytocin on social cognition and
behavior have steadily increased over the last two decades, stimulating considerable …
behavior have steadily increased over the last two decades, stimulating considerable …
When beliefs face reality: An integrative review of belief updating in mental health and illness
Belief updating is a relatively nascent field of research that examines how people adjust
their beliefs in light of new evidence. So far, belief updating has been investigated in partly …
their beliefs in light of new evidence. So far, belief updating has been investigated in partly …
Evaluation of early ketamine effects on belief-updating biases in patients with treatment-resistant depression
Importance Clinical research has shown that persistent negative beliefs maintain depression
and that subanesthetic ketamine infusions induce rapid antidepressant responses. Objective …
and that subanesthetic ketamine infusions induce rapid antidepressant responses. Objective …
[HTML][HTML] Nose-to-brain delivery of therapeutic peptides as nasal aerosols
Central nervous system (CNS) disorders, such as psychiatric disorders, neurodegeneration,
chronic pain, stroke, brain tumor, spinal cord injury, and many other CNS diseases, would …
chronic pain, stroke, brain tumor, spinal cord injury, and many other CNS diseases, would …
Group cooperation, carrying-capacity stress, and intergroup conflict
Peaceful intergroup relations deteriorate when individuals engage in parochial cooperation
and parochial competition. To understand when and why intergroup relations change from …
and parochial competition. To understand when and why intergroup relations change from …
[HTML][HTML] Optimistic update bias holds firm: Three tests of robustness following Shah et al.
A diverse body of research has demonstrated that people update their beliefs to a greater
extent when receiving good news compared to bad news. Recently, a paper by Shah et al …
extent when receiving good news compared to bad news. Recently, a paper by Shah et al …
Oxytocin promotes coordinated out-group attack during intergroup conflict in humans
Intergroup conflict contributes to human discrimination and violence, but persists because
individuals make costly contributions to their group's fighting capacity. Yet how group …
individuals make costly contributions to their group's fighting capacity. Yet how group …
Oxytocin modulates social value representations in the amygdala
Humans exhibit considerable variation in how they value their own interest relative to the
interests of others. Deciphering the neural codes representing potential rewards for self and …
interests of others. Deciphering the neural codes representing potential rewards for self and …
Nature, nurture, and their interplay: A review of cultural neuroscience
Cultural neuroscience research examines how psychological processes are affected by the
interplay between culture and biological factors, including genetic influences, patterns of …
interplay between culture and biological factors, including genetic influences, patterns of …
Neural substrates underlying the effects of oxytocin: a quantitative meta-analysis of pharmaco-imaging studies
The hypothalamic peptide oxytocin (OT) is crucial in social adaptation and used to treat
emotional and social deficits. Here, we conducted a systematic, quantitative meta-analysis of …
emotional and social deficits. Here, we conducted a systematic, quantitative meta-analysis of …