Crustal anatomy and evolution of a subduction-related orogenic system: Insights from the Southern Central Andes (22-35 S)

L Giambiagi, A Tassara, A Echaurren, J Julve… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
As the archetype of mountain building in subduction zones, the Central Andes has
constituted an excellent example for investigating mountain-building processes for decades …

[HTML][HTML] Inhomogeneous rift inversion and the evolution of the Pyrenees

A Pedrera, J García-Senz, EL Pueyo, B López-Mir… - Earth-Science …, 2023 - Elsevier
The kinematic evolution of the Pyrenees was largely controlled by structural and thermal
heterogeneities inherited from a precursor rift system, resulting in complex along-strike …

Origin and consequences of western Mediterranean subduction, rollback, and slab segmentation

DJJ van Hinsbergen, RLM Vissers, W Spakman - Tectonics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The western Mediterranean recorded subduction rollback, slab segmentation and
separation. Here we address the questions of what caused Oligocene rollback initiation, and …

Thick-skinned tectonics and basement-involved fold–thrust belts: insights from selected Cenozoic orogens

O Lacombe, N Bellahsen - Geological Magazine, 2016 -
Defining the structural style of fold–thrust belts and understanding the controlling factors are
necessary steps towards prediction of their long-term and short-term dynamics, including …

[HTML][HTML] The crustal evolution of the west-central Pyrenees revisited: Inferences from a new kinematic scenario

A Teixell, P Labaume… - Comptes …, 2016 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
Résumé New evolutionary models for the Pyrenean orogeny must consider feedbacks
between the Mid-Cretaceous hyperextension postulated recently and the Pyrenean …

Collision kinematics in the western external Alps

N Bellahsen, F Mouthereau, A Boutoux… - …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The kinematics of the collision in Western Alps are investigated through five balanced cross
sections of the whole external domain from the Oisans to the Mont Blanc massif. These cross …

[PDF][PDF] The structure of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt as constrained by subsurface data

JA Muñoz, J Mencos, E Roca, N Carrera… - Geologica Acta: an …, 2018 -
Structural style of fold and thrust belts depends among many other factors on the mechanical
properties of the deformed sedimentary pile and the existence of weak horizons such as salt …

Insights into the crustal‐scale dynamics of a doubly vergent orogen from a quantitative analysis of its forelands: A case study of the Eastern Pyrenees

AR Grool, M Ford, J Vergés, RS Huismans… - …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In natural doubly vergent orogens, the relationship between the pro‐and retro‐wedges is, as
yet, poorly constrained. We present a detailed tectonostratigraphic study of the retro‐wedge …

Kinematics of foreland‐vergent crustal accretion: Inferences from the Dinarides evolution

M van Unen, L Matenco, FH Nader, R Darnault… - …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
One of the most common observation in Mediterranean areas is the migration of
contractional deformation and associated slabs through time toward external orogenic …