The fate of the Farallon slab beneath Patagonia and its links to Cenozoic intraplate magmatism, marine transgressions and topographic uplift
The arrival and subsequent stagnation of the Farallon/Nazca slab at the mantle transition
zone below southern South America triggered seemingly unrelated large-scale geological …
zone below southern South America triggered seemingly unrelated large-scale geological …
Stratigraphy, provenance, and timing of Neogene sedimentation in the western Valdés Basin, Patagonia. Accurate paleogeographic reconstructions as a key piece for …
JI Cuitiño, A Bilmes, MR Buono, S Bordese… - Journal of South …, 2023 - Elsevier
With the aim to better understand the timing and geological evolution of the late Cenozoic
stratigraphic record of the onshore, western Valdés Basin in northeast Chubut province …
stratigraphic record of the onshore, western Valdés Basin in northeast Chubut province …
Revised chrono and lithostratigraphy for the Oligocene-Miocene Patagoniense marine deposits in Patagonia: Implications for stratigraphic cycles, paleogeography …
A Parras, JI Cuitiño - Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2021 - Elsevier
Richly fossiliferous upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Patagoniense marine deposits
constitute a conspicuous feature of the sedimentary record of most basins in Patagonia …
constitute a conspicuous feature of the sedimentary record of most basins in Patagonia …
[HTML][HTML] Using InSAR and GPR Techniques to detect subsidence: application to the coastal area of “A Xunqueira”(NW Spain)
Climate change represents an important cause of subsidence, especially in coastal cities
affected by changes in surface water level and water table. This paper presents a …
affected by changes in surface water level and water table. This paper presents a …
3D numerical simulation-based targeting of skarn type mineralization within the Xuancheng-Magushan orefield, middle-lower Yangtze metallogenic belt, China
Recent exploration has identified a series of Cu-Mo skarn deposits within the Xuancheng-
Magushan orefield. The orefield forms part of the Nanling-Xuancheng mining district, which …
Magushan orefield. The orefield forms part of the Nanling-Xuancheng mining district, which …
Tectonic subsidence modeling of diachronous transition from backarc to retroarc basin development and uplift during Cordilleran orogenesis, Patagonian‐Fuegian …
Backstripped tectonic basin subsidence histories are critical for interpreting phases of
lithospheric deformation and paleoenvironmental change from the stratigraphic record. This …
lithospheric deformation and paleoenvironmental change from the stratigraphic record. This …
Lithospheric thinning and dynamic uplift effects during slab window formation, southern Patagonia (45-55 S)
Abstract The southernmost South America has been affected by the subduction of an
oceanic seismic ridge, which began to subduct below southern Patagonia at∼ 14 Ma. This …
oceanic seismic ridge, which began to subduct below southern Patagonia at∼ 14 Ma. This …
From rift to foreland basin: A case example from the Magallanes‐Austral basin, southernmost Andes
This contribution characterizes primary lithologic and depositional components of the
Magallanes‐Austral basin and defines infill geometries and stacking patterns from seismic …
Magallanes‐Austral basin and defines infill geometries and stacking patterns from seismic …
Revised timing of Cenozoic Atlantic incursions and changing hinterland sediment sources during southern Patagonian orogenesis
New detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology data from the Cenozoic Magallanes-Austral Basin
in Argentina and Chile~ 51° S establish a revised chronostratigraphy of Paleocene-Miocene …
in Argentina and Chile~ 51° S establish a revised chronostratigraphy of Paleocene-Miocene …
Maastrichtian-Danian Northpatagonian rocky shore, Argentina
N Foix, SM Ocampo, JM Paredes, JO Allard… - Sedimentary …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Atlantic Maastrichtian-Danian (K/P) transgression over northern-central extra-
Andean Patagonia (Argentina) covered both Mesozoic sedimentary basins and the …
Andean Patagonia (Argentina) covered both Mesozoic sedimentary basins and the …