A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018
WF Lamb, T Wiedmann, J Pongratz… - Environmental …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be traced to five economic sectors: energy,
industry, buildings, transport and AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land uses). In this …
industry, buildings, transport and AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land uses). In this …
Circular economy in the construction industry: An overview of United States stakeholders' awareness, major challenges, and enablers
Increasing environmental concerns and resource scarcity risks have drawn attention to a
Circular Economic (CE) model during the last decade. Nevertheless, literature related to the …
Circular Economic (CE) model during the last decade. Nevertheless, literature related to the …
Global greenhouse gas emissions from residential and commercial building materials and mitigation strategies to 2060
X Zhong, M Hu, S Deetman, B Steubing, HX Lin… - Nature …, 2021 - nature.com
Building stock growth around the world drives extensive material consumption and
environmental impacts. Future impacts will be dependent on the level and rate of …
environmental impacts. Future impacts will be dependent on the level and rate of …
Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass
Humanity has become a dominant force in sha** the face of Earth 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
An emerging question is how the overall material output of human activities compares to the …
An emerging question is how the overall material output of human activities compares to the …
Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation
F Creutzig, J Roy, P Devine-Wright, J Díaz-José… - 2022 - espace.curtin.edu.au
Assessment of the social science literature and regional case studies reveals how social
norms, culture, and individual choices, interact with infrastructure and other structural …
norms, culture, and individual choices, interact with infrastructure and other structural …
Emissions trends and drivers (chapter 2)
Global net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during the last decade (2010–
2019) were higher than at any previous time in human history (high confidence). Since …
2019) were higher than at any previous time in human history (high confidence). Since …
A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights
H Haberl, D Wiedenhofer, D Virág, G Kalt… - Environmental …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Strategies toward ambitious climate targets usually rely on the concept of'decoupling'; that is,
they aim at promoting economic growth while reducing the use of natural resources and …
they aim at promoting economic growth while reducing the use of natural resources and …
Selective and rapid extraction of trace amount of gold from complex liquids with silver (I)-organic frameworks
J Luo, X Luo, M **e, HZ Li, H Duan, HG Zhou… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
The design of adsorbents for rapid, selective extraction of ultra-trace amounts of gold from
complex liquids is desirable from both an environmental and economical point of view …
complex liquids is desirable from both an environmental and economical point of view …
Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry via value chain mitigation strategies
Cement is used globally in construction materials for nearly all civil infrastructure systems
supporting improved quality of life, and there is currently no substitute that can meet its …
supporting improved quality of life, and there is currently no substitute that can meet its …
Towards circular and more sustainable buildings: A systematic literature review on the circular economy in the built environment
MR Munaro, SF Tavares, L Bragança - Journal of cleaner production, 2020 - Elsevier
The built environment exerts great pressure on natural resources. Its role in the transition to
a circular economy (CE) is critical. However, research from a holistic perspective, including …
a circular economy (CE) is critical. However, research from a holistic perspective, including …