[HTML][HTML] A guide to recognising slow-moving subaqueous landslides in seismic and bathymetry datasets
Slow-moving subaqueous landslides (SMSL) have been recognised in many studies from
seafloor bathymetric and seismic data, based on shared morphological characteristics with …
seafloor bathymetric and seismic data, based on shared morphological characteristics with …
[HTML][HTML] A global review of subaqueous spreading and its morphological and sedimentological characteristics: a database for highlighting the current state of the art
Subaqueous spreading, a type of extensional mass transport that is characterized by a ridge
and trough morphology, has been documented globally but is poorly understood …
and trough morphology, has been documented globally but is poorly understood …
[HTML][HTML] A regionally consistent 3D seismic-stratigraphic framework and age model for the Quaternary sediments of the northern North Sea
The thick succession of Quaternary sediments that is preserved in the northern North Sea
provides a valuable record of the climate and environmental changes of the last∼ 2.6 …
provides a valuable record of the climate and environmental changes of the last∼ 2.6 …
Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan
Volcanoes represent one of the most critical geological settings for hazard modelling due to
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
[HTML][HTML] Glacial, fluvial and contour-current-derived sedimentation along the northern North Sea margin through the Quaternary
The thick sequence of Quaternary sediments preserved within the northern North Sea
contains important information about the glacial history, palaeo-oceanographic conditions …
contains important information about the glacial history, palaeo-oceanographic conditions …
Rapid glacial sedimentation and overpressure in oozes causing large craters on the mid-Norwegian margin: integrated interpretation of the Naust, Kai and Brygge …
Along continental margins with rapid sedimentation, overpressure may build up in porous
and compressible sediments. Large-scale release of such overpressure has major …
and compressible sediments. Large-scale release of such overpressure has major …
Exploring the predictive power of seismic geomorphology to assess sedimentary characteristics of gravity-flow deposits: examples from offshore East and West Africa …
N Scarselli - 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
This research seeks to test the hypothesis that the rheology of submarine gravity-flows
influences the planform geometry of associated fan lobe deposits. If this control exists …
influences the planform geometry of associated fan lobe deposits. If this control exists …
[HTML][HTML] Seismic amplitude response to internal heterogeneity of mass-transport deposits
J Ford, A Camerlenghi, F Zolezzi, M Calarco - Solid Earth, 2023 - se.copernicus.org
Compared to unfailed sediments, mass-transport deposits are often characterised by a low-
amplitude response in single-channel seismic reflection images. This “acoustic …
amplitude response in single-channel seismic reflection images. This “acoustic …
Contourites of the Northern North sea, North Sea fan, and mid-Norwegian margin
Contourites contribute to the sha** and building of continental margins, and have an
economic importance for the offshore-energy sector by acting both as reservoir and seal …
economic importance for the offshore-energy sector by acting both as reservoir and seal …
[PDF][PDF] Sedimentation record of a complete glacial-interglacial cycle: Down-slope deposits, contourites and plumites of the North Sea trough mouth fan
Trough mouth fans (TMFs) are major submarine depocentres that form in front of ice streams
advancing onto the continental shelf, and they provide extensive records of past glaciations …
advancing onto the continental shelf, and they provide extensive records of past glaciations …