Computer‐automated bird detection and counts in high‐resolution aerial images: a review
Bird surveys conducted using aerial images can be more accurate than those using airborne
observers, but can also be more time‐consuming if images must be analyzed manually …
observers, but can also be more time‐consuming if images must be analyzed manually …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of unmanned aerial vehicle shape, flight path and camera type for waterfowl surveys: disturbance effects and species recognition
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for ecological research has grown rapidly in
recent years, but few studies have assessed the disturbance impacts of these tools on focal …
recent years, but few studies have assessed the disturbance impacts of these tools on focal …
Monitoring large and complex wildlife aggregations with drones
Recent advances in drone technology have rapidly led to their use for monitoring and
managing wildlife populations but a broad and generalised framework for their application to …
managing wildlife populations but a broad and generalised framework for their application to …
Drones as a threat to wildlife: YouTube complements science in providing evidence about their effect
Although drones are becoming very common in the skies, most concerns about their use are
not focused on their possible impact on wildlife. We used the information available from the …
not focused on their possible impact on wildlife. We used the information available from the …
[HTML][HTML] A Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Usage as an Environmental Survey Tool within Tidal Stream Environments
Tidal energy is a rapidly develo** area of the marine renewable energy sector that
requires converters to be placed within areas of fast current speeds to be commercially …
requires converters to be placed within areas of fast current speeds to be commercially …
[HTML][HTML] Demystifying the differences between structure-from-MotionSoftware packages for pre-processing drone data
Background: Open Access Editor's Choice Article Demystifying the Differences between
Structure-from-MotionSoftware Packages for Pre-Processing Drone Data by Taleatha Pell …
Structure-from-MotionSoftware Packages for Pre-Processing Drone Data by Taleatha Pell …
Best practices for using drones in seabird monitoring and research
Over the past decade, drones have become increasingly popular in environmental biology
and have been used to study wildlife on all continents. Drones have become of global …
and have been used to study wildlife on all continents. Drones have become of global …
Evaluating vegetation effects on animal demographics: The role of plant phenology and sampling bias
Plant phenological processes produce temporal variation in the height and cover of
vegetation. Key aspects of animal life cycles, such as reproduction, often coincide with the …
vegetation. Key aspects of animal life cycles, such as reproduction, often coincide with the …
Quantifying waterfowl numbers: Comparison of drone and ground-based survey methods for surveying waterfowl on artificial waterbodies
Drones are becoming a common method for surveying wildlife as they offer an aerial
perspective of the landscape. For waterbirds in particular, drones can overcome challenges …
perspective of the landscape. For waterbirds in particular, drones can overcome challenges …
Evaluating behavioral responses of nesting lesser snow geese to unmanned aircraft surveys
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are relatively new technologies gaining popularity among
wildlife biologists. As with any new tool in wildlife science, operating protocols must be …
wildlife biologists. As with any new tool in wildlife science, operating protocols must be …