Polymer/Inorganic nanocomposite coatings with superior corrosion protection performance: A review
Nanocomposite coatings based on adding inorganic nanofillers in polymer matrix are a new
class of corrosion protection methods which show superior corrosion resistance and …
class of corrosion protection methods which show superior corrosion resistance and …
[HTML][HTML] Potential applications of nanotechnology in transportation: A review
Nanotechnology is the building of structurers at nanoscale at the order 10− 9 m. A significant
development in the field of transportation will put an imprint in the development of our …
development in the field of transportation will put an imprint in the development of our …
Enhancing corrosion resistance of epoxy coating on steel reinforcement by aminobenzoate intercalated layered double hydroxides
Y Mei, J Xu, L Jiang, Q Tan - Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper aims to examine the corrosion resistance of epoxy coating incorporated with
aminobenzoate intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) on steel reinforcement …
aminobenzoate intercalated Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) on steel reinforcement …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of ZnO nanofillers on the mechanical and anti-corrosion performances of epoxy composites
Epoxy resins were reinforced with different ZnO nanofillers (commercial ZnO nanoparticles
(ZnO NPs), recycled ZnO and functionalized ZnO NPs) in order to obtain ZnO–epoxy …
(ZnO NPs), recycled ZnO and functionalized ZnO NPs) in order to obtain ZnO–epoxy …
Hydrogen containing nanofluids in the spark engine's cylinder head cooling system
The article is devoted to the following issues: boiling of fluid in the cooling jacket of the
engine cylinder head; agents that influenced the thermal conductivity coefficient of …
engine cylinder head; agents that influenced the thermal conductivity coefficient of …
High solids organic-inorganic hybrid coatings based on silicone-epoxy-silica coating with improved anticorrosion performance for AA2024 protection
X Chen, SF Wen, T Feng, X Yuan - Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020 - Elsevier
A hybrid organic-inorganic coating was prepared with silicone-epoxy coating and
prehydrolyzed TEOS (HTEOS) through the sol-gel process. This study aimed to study the …
prehydrolyzed TEOS (HTEOS) through the sol-gel process. This study aimed to study the …
New epoxy and hardener system based on an imidazolium ionic liquid as an anticorrosive coating for steel in the marine environment
The large sizes of cations and anions of organic salts are the driving force for the application
of ionic liquids (organic salts) in harsh salty conditions. Moreover, the formation of …
of ionic liquids (organic salts) in harsh salty conditions. Moreover, the formation of …
Fracture toughness enhancement of epoxy resin reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets and carbon nanotubes
SS Yao, CL Ma, FL **, SJ Park - Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs)/silane-coupling-agent-treated GNPs (KH-GNPs)
and hydroxyl multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs-OH) were added as reinforcing …
and hydroxyl multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs-OH) were added as reinforcing …
Anticorrosive performance approach combining an epoxy polyaminoamide–zinc phosphate coatings applied on sulfo-tartaric anodized aluminum alloy 5086
This study focused on develo** an effective anticorrosive formulation for selected sulfo-
tartaric anodized aluminium alloy (Al-alloy AA5086) to withstand harsh marine environment …
tartaric anodized aluminium alloy (Al-alloy AA5086) to withstand harsh marine environment …
Investigation of sol-gel derived organic inorganic hybrid coatings based on commercial epoxy resin for improved corrosion resistance of 304 stainless steel
In this study, a commercial epoxy resin (KER 828) was employed as the organic component
of the organic inorganic hybrid coating to enhance corrosion resistance while reducing …
of the organic inorganic hybrid coating to enhance corrosion resistance while reducing …