Performing and unperforming entrepreneurial success: Confessions of a female role model
S Marks - Journal of Small Business Management, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Female role models are increasingly used in enterprise support to encourage women to
open businesses. Although varied in detail, their public narratives generally follow a limited …
open businesses. Although varied in detail, their public narratives generally follow a limited …
Perceptions of entrepreneurs and community: From historical roots to a contemporary kaleidoscope
MR Clevenger - Toward Entrepreneurial Community Development, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter provides an overview of who entrepreneurs are and what they do, the field of
entrepreneurship as both a practice of business and a field of study, the important of …
entrepreneurship as both a practice of business and a field of study, the important of …
[KNIHA][B] Zwischen Ad Hoc Kommunikation und Strategischer Planung
N Florschütz - 2024 - Springer
Mittelständische Unternehmen bilden das Rückgrat der deutschen Wirtschaft–sie tragen
maßgeblich zur Wertschöpfung bei und beschäftigen einen substanziellen Teil der …
maßgeblich zur Wertschöpfung bei und beschäftigen einen substanziellen Teil der …
Does Entrepreneurship Pay for Women? A social positioning investigation of entrepreneurial rewards.
S Marks - 2023 - qmro.qmul.ac.uk
Although entrepreneurship is widely promoted as a means of fulfilling personal and
economic aspirations and avoiding gendered labour market discrimination, the nature and …
economic aspirations and avoiding gendered labour market discrimination, the nature and …
Toward Entrepreneurial Community Development
MWP Fortunato, MR Clevenger - api.taylorfrancis.com
Creating a book about entrepreneurial community ecosystems led to the opportunity of
exploring key history, various models and ideas, evaluating research in multiple fields at …
exploring key history, various models and ideas, evaluating research in multiple fields at …