Phytoremediation of toxic metals present in soil and water environment: a critical review

VS Kanwar, A Sharma, AL Srivastav, L Rani - Environmental Science and …, 2020 - Springer
Heavy metals are one of the most hazardous inorganic contaminants of both water and soil
environment composition. Normally, heavy metals are non-biodegradable in nature because …

Responses of wild small mammals to a pollution gradient: host factors influence metal and metallothionein levels

C Fritsch, RP Cosson, M Cœurdassier, F Raoul… - Environmental …, 2010 - Elsevier
We investigated how host factors (species, age, gender) modulated Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu
concentrations, metallothionein levels (MTs) and their relationships in 7 sympatric small …

Metalliferous mining pollution and its impact on terrestrial and semi-terrestrial vertebrates: a review

E Gil-Jiménez, M de Lucas, M Ferrer - Reviews of Environmental …, 2021 - Springer
Metalliferous mining, a major source of metals and metalloids, has severe potential
environmental impacts. However, the number of papers published in international peer …

Accumulation and biological effects of metals in wild rats in mining areas of Zambia

SMM Nakayama, Y Ikenaka, K Hamada… - Environmental …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract The lead–zinc (Pb–Zn) mine in Kabwe City and the copper–cobalt (Cu–Co) mine in
the Copperbelt Province are major mining areas in Zambia. To examine the effects of metal …

Toxic effects of the ingestion of water-soluble elements found in soil under the atmospheric influence of an industrial complex

FMR da Silva Júnior, PF Silva, EM Garcia… - Environmental …, 2013 - Springer
In this study, we investigated the toxic effects of water-soluble elements from a contaminated
soil via gavage in a single dose, simulating a geophagy event. The contaminated soil was …

SOD and CAT cDNA cloning, and expression pattern of detoxification genes in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus transplanted into the Moselle river

A Bigot, P Vasseur, F Rodius - Ecotoxicology, 2010 - Springer
The cDNA sequences encoding manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn–SOD) and catalase
(CAT) were isolated in the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus by reverse-transcription …

Population effects of heavy metal pollution in wild Algerian mice (Mus spretus)

AS Quina, AF Durão, F Muñoz-Muñoz, J Ventura… - Ecotoxicology and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Heavy metal mining is one of the largest sources of environmental pollution. The analysis of
different types of biomarkers in sentinel species living in contaminated areas provides a …

Variations in heavy metal concentrations among trophic levels of the food webs in two agroecosystems

M Soliman, M El-Shazly, E Abd-El-Samie… - African Zoology, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Excessive accumulation of trace metal in soil represents a growing environmental problem
posing severe risks to biota, humans and ecosystems. Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn …

Interdisciplinary approach to addressing lead pollution caused by mining activity in Kabwe, The Republic of Zambia

H NAKATA, SMM NAKAYAMA, J YABE… - Environmental …, 2022 -
Industrial development and economic growth have made human life more convenient.
However, the accompanying environmental pollution is a serious problem. The same …

Multimarker approach to assess the exposure of the wild rodent Calomys laucha to a simulated crude oil spill

KA de Almeida, EM Garcia, JO Penteado… - … Science and Pollution …, 2021 - Springer
A mysterious oil spill occurred in the ocean near Brazil in 2019, which affected coastal areas
in northeastern Brazil. When oil pollution occurs in coastal zones, organisms such as small …