factors and diamagnetic coefficients of electrons, holes, and excitons in InAs/InP quantum dots
The electron, hole, and exciton g factors and diamagnetic coefficients have been calculated
using envelope-function theory for cylindrical InAs/InP quantum dots in the presence of a …
using envelope-function theory for cylindrical InAs/InP quantum dots in the presence of a …
Exciton fine structure in quantum dots revisited by pump-probe Faraday rotation
Time-resolved pump-probe Faraday rotation has been used to study the fine structure of the
ground-state exciton in self-assembled (In, Ga) As∕ Ga As quantum dots. The epitaxial …
ground-state exciton in self-assembled (In, Ga) As∕ Ga As quantum dots. The epitaxial …
[HTML][HTML] Magneto-optical characterization of trions in symmetric InP-based quantum dots for quantum communication applications
Magneto-optical parameters of trions in novel large and symmetric InP-based quantum dots,
uncommon for molecular beam epitaxy-grown nanostructures, with emission in the third …
uncommon for molecular beam epitaxy-grown nanostructures, with emission in the third …
Magneto optical properties of self-assembled InAs quantum dots for quantum information processing
J Tang, XL Xu - Chinese Physics B, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Semiconductor quantum dots have been intensively investigated because of their
fundamental role in solid-state quantum information processing. The energy levels of …
fundamental role in solid-state quantum information processing. The energy levels of …
Excitonic complexes in natural InAs/GaAs quantum dots
The quantum confinement in a typical quantum dot (QD) is determined primarily by the
nanosystem's dimensions and average composition. We demonstrate, however, that …
nanosystem's dimensions and average composition. We demonstrate, however, that …
Zero factors and nonzero orbital momenta in self-assembled quantum dots
We point out using an empirical tight-binding approach that the ground state of holes in
InAs∕ GaAs self-assembled quantum dots carries nonzero orbital momentum. The spin and …
InAs∕ GaAs self-assembled quantum dots carries nonzero orbital momentum. The spin and …
Emission from a highly excited single quantum dot in magnetic fields: An excitonic Fock-Darwin diagram
Magnetospectroscopy of a highly excited single InAs-GaAs quantum dot is performed. The
multiexcitonic emission related to the s, p, and d shells of a zero-dimensional system is …
multiexcitonic emission related to the s, p, and d shells of a zero-dimensional system is …
Longitudinal wave function control in single quantum dots with an applied magnetic field
Controlling single-particle wave functions in single semiconductor quantum dots is in
demand to implement solid-state quantum information processing and spintronics. Normally …
demand to implement solid-state quantum information processing and spintronics. Normally …
Observation of coupling between zero-and two-dimensional semiconductor systems based on anomalous diamagnetic effects
We report the direct observation of coupling between a single self-assembled InAs quantum
dot and a wetting layer, based on strong diamagnetic shifts of many-body exciton states …
dot and a wetting layer, based on strong diamagnetic shifts of many-body exciton states …
Bidirectional wavelength tuning of individual semiconductor quantum dots in a flexible rolled-up microtube
We consider a pair of artificial atoms with different ground-state energies. By means of finite
element calculations, we predict that the ground-state energies can be tuned into resonance …
element calculations, we predict that the ground-state energies can be tuned into resonance …