Long working hours and working-time preferences: Between desirability and feasibility

I Campbell, B Van Wanrooy - Human Relations, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
Studies of workers engaged in patterns of long working hours increasingly draw on working-
time preference data from large-scale surveys, in particular data on the 'match'or …

After-hours availability expectations, work-related smartphone use during leisure, and psychological detachment: The moderating role of boundary control

C Mellner - International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–Modern working life is characterized by increased expectations for employees to
be available to deal with work issues outside regular work hours and by using new …

The effects of time-spatial flexibility and new working conditions on employees' work–life balance: The Dutch case

P Peters, L Den Dulk… - Community, Work & Family, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Part-time work, flexible working hours, and home-based teleworking are HR instruments
which are used to facilitate reconciliation of work and family life. It can be questioned …

Work intensification, work–life interference, stress, and well-being in Australian workers

EC Fein, N Skinner, MA Machin - International Studies of …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The need to better understand the impact of changes in work conditions is paramount. While
greater flexibility has considerable benefits, there may also be unintended consequences …

Dutch workers and time pressure: Household and workplace characteristics

T Van Der Lippe - Work, employment and society, 2007 - journals.sagepub.com
Balancing work with family life has become one of the most important issues for families
nowadays. In this article I study the varying degrees of success of governance structures in …

Boundaryless work, psychological detachment and sleep: does working 'anytime–anywhere'equal employees are 'always on'?

C Mellner, G Kecklund, M Kompier… - New ways of working …, 2016 - emerald.com
Employees have gained increased flexibility in organizing their work in time and space, that
is boundaryless work. Managing the boundaries between work and personal life would …

Clarifying the effect of work hours on health through work–life conflict

EC Fein, N Skinner - Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Previous research on the relationship between work hours and health has produced
inconclusive findings, which may be related to the use of predominantly male samples. This …

Computer-supported cooperative work–revisited

A Bullinger-Hoffmann, M Koch, K Möslein, A Richter - i-com, 2021 - degruyter.com
Due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and the related mandated work for home, we have seen a
massive increase of the use of collaboration tools in various work settings in the last 18 …

Мотивы и институциональные условия переработок (на примере офисных служащих г. Москвы)

ЕА Бейлина, ДС Кантер, АА Клементьев… - Экономическая …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Работа посвящена изучению феномена переработок у офисных служащих.
Статистические данные показывают, что многие россияне работают больше 40 ч в …

Floreren onder condities van Het Nieuwe Werken: minder burnout, meer toewijding?

P Peters, K Kraan, P van Echtelt - Tijdschrift voor …, 2013 - aup-online.com
Deze studie onderzocht het effect van arbeidscondities kenmerkend voor Het Nieuwe
Werken (HNW) op werkgerelateerde emotionele uitputting en toewijding van werknemers …