Long working hours and working-time preferences: Between desirability and feasibility
I Campbell, B Van Wanrooy - Human Relations, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
Studies of workers engaged in patterns of long working hours increasingly draw on working-
time preference data from large-scale surveys, in particular data on the 'match'or …
time preference data from large-scale surveys, in particular data on the 'match'or …
After-hours availability expectations, work-related smartphone use during leisure, and psychological detachment: The moderating role of boundary control
C Mellner - International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–Modern working life is characterized by increased expectations for employees to
be available to deal with work issues outside regular work hours and by using new …
be available to deal with work issues outside regular work hours and by using new …
The effects of time-spatial flexibility and new working conditions on employees' work–life balance: The Dutch case
P Peters, L Den Dulk… - Community, Work & Family, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Part-time work, flexible working hours, and home-based teleworking are HR instruments
which are used to facilitate reconciliation of work and family life. It can be questioned …
which are used to facilitate reconciliation of work and family life. It can be questioned …
Work intensification, work–life interference, stress, and well-being in Australian workers
The need to better understand the impact of changes in work conditions is paramount. While
greater flexibility has considerable benefits, there may also be unintended consequences …
greater flexibility has considerable benefits, there may also be unintended consequences …
Dutch workers and time pressure: Household and workplace characteristics
T Van Der Lippe - Work, employment and society, 2007 - journals.sagepub.com
Balancing work with family life has become one of the most important issues for families
nowadays. In this article I study the varying degrees of success of governance structures in …
nowadays. In this article I study the varying degrees of success of governance structures in …
Boundaryless work, psychological detachment and sleep: does working 'anytime–anywhere'equal employees are 'always on'?
Employees have gained increased flexibility in organizing their work in time and space, that
is boundaryless work. Managing the boundaries between work and personal life would …
is boundaryless work. Managing the boundaries between work and personal life would …
Clarifying the effect of work hours on health through work–life conflict
EC Fein, N Skinner - Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Previous research on the relationship between work hours and health has produced
inconclusive findings, which may be related to the use of predominantly male samples. This …
inconclusive findings, which may be related to the use of predominantly male samples. This …
Computer-supported cooperative work–revisited
Due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and the related mandated work for home, we have seen a
massive increase of the use of collaboration tools in various work settings in the last 18 …
massive increase of the use of collaboration tools in various work settings in the last 18 …
Мотивы и институциональные условия переработок (на примере офисных служащих г. Москвы)
ЕА Бейлина, ДС Кантер, АА Клементьев… - Экономическая …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Работа посвящена изучению феномена переработок у офисных служащих.
Статистические данные показывают, что многие россияне работают больше 40 ч в …
Статистические данные показывают, что многие россияне работают больше 40 ч в …
Floreren onder condities van Het Nieuwe Werken: minder burnout, meer toewijding?
P Peters, K Kraan, P van Echtelt - Tijdschrift voor …, 2013 - aup-online.com
Deze studie onderzocht het effect van arbeidscondities kenmerkend voor Het Nieuwe
Werken (HNW) op werkgerelateerde emotionele uitputting en toewijding van werknemers …
Werken (HNW) op werkgerelateerde emotionele uitputting en toewijding van werknemers …