Raman spectroscopy in cell biology and microbiology
G Pezzotti - Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The Raman spectrum of living cells and microorganisms contains highly specific fingerprint‐
like signatures, useful in unequivocally identifying different species and interpreting …
like signatures, useful in unequivocally identifying different species and interpreting …
SERS-based antibiotic susceptibility testing: Towards point-of-care clinical diagnosis
Emerging antibiotic resistant bacteria constitute one of the biggest threats to public health.
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is highly promising for detecting such bacteria …
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is highly promising for detecting such bacteria …
The application of Raman spectroscopy for the detection and identification of microorganisms
S Stöckel, J Kirchhoff, U Neugebauer… - Journal of Raman …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
A fast and reliable detection and identification of microorganisms is crucial in environmental
science, for food quality as well as medical diagnosis. In these fields, all types of Raman …
science, for food quality as well as medical diagnosis. In these fields, all types of Raman …
The potential of systems biology to discover antibacterial mechanisms of plant phenolics
CS Rempe, KP Burris, SC Lenaghan… - Frontiers in …, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Drug resistance of bacterial pathogens is a growing problem that can be addressed through
the discovery of compounds with novel mechanisms of antibacterial activity. Natural …
the discovery of compounds with novel mechanisms of antibacterial activity. Natural …
An isotope‐labeled single‐cell Raman spectroscopy approach for tracking the physiological evolution trajectory of bacteria toward antibiotic resistance
Understanding evolution of antibiotic resistance is vital for containing its global spread. Yet
our ability to in situ track highly heterogeneous and dynamic evolution is very limited. Here …
our ability to in situ track highly heterogeneous and dynamic evolution is very limited. Here …
Emerging technologies for antibiotic susceptibility testing
Superbugs such as infectious bacteria pose a great threat to humanity due to an increase in
bacterial mortality leading to clinical treatment failure, lengthy hospital stay, intravenous …
bacterial mortality leading to clinical treatment failure, lengthy hospital stay, intravenous …
Raman spectroscopy—A novel method for identification and characterization of microbes on a single-cell level in clinical settings
K Rebrosova, O Samek, M Kizovsky… - Frontiers in Cellular …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Rapid and accurate identification of pathogens causing infections is one of the biggest
challenges in medicine. Timely identification of causative agents and their antimicrobial …
challenges in medicine. Timely identification of causative agents and their antimicrobial …
Detection and characterization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
This mini-review summarizes the most recent progress concerning the use of surface-
enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for the detection and characterization of antibiotic …
enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for the detection and characterization of antibiotic …
Aluminium foil as a potential substrate for ATR-FTIR, transflection FTIR or Raman spectrochemical analysis of biological specimens
The substantial cost of substrates is an enormous obstacle in the successful translation of
biospectroscopy (IR or Raman) into routine clinical/laboratory practice (screening or …
biospectroscopy (IR or Raman) into routine clinical/laboratory practice (screening or …
Ramanome technology platform for label-free screening and sorting of microbial cell factories at single-cell resolution
Phenotypic profiling of natural, engineered or synthetic cells has increasingly become a
bottleneck in the mining and engineering of cell factories. Single-cell phenoty** …
bottleneck in the mining and engineering of cell factories. Single-cell phenoty** …