Advanced thermoelectric design: from materials and structures to devices
The long-standing popularity of thermoelectric materials has contributed to the creation of
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …
Challenges and opportunities in low-dimensional thermoelectric nanomaterials
Thermoelectric materials can convert heat into electrical energy, which can potentially be
used to improve the fuel efficiency of conventional heat engines. In recent decades …
used to improve the fuel efficiency of conventional heat engines. In recent decades …
Realizing record high performance in n-type Bi 2 Te 3-based thermoelectric materials
B Zhu, X Liu, Q Wang, Y Qiu, Z Shu, Z Guo… - Energy & …, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
The application of Bi2Te3-based power generation is seriously hindered by the poor n-type
samples, demonstrating a strong demand for high-performance n-type Bi2Te3-based …
samples, demonstrating a strong demand for high-performance n-type Bi2Te3-based …
Self-powered temperature sensor with seebeck effect transduction for photothermal–thermoelectric coupled immunoassay
L Huang, J Chen, Z Yu, D Tang - Analytical chemistry, 2020 - ACS Publications
A self-powered temperature sensor based on Seebeck effect transduction was designed for
photothermal–thermoelectric coupled immunoassay of α-fetoprotein (AFP). In this system …
photothermal–thermoelectric coupled immunoassay of α-fetoprotein (AFP). In this system …
Fiber-based thermoelectrics for solid, portable, and wearable electronics
With the growing demand for solid, portable, and wearable electronics, exploring recyclable
and stable charging and cooling techniques is of significance. Fiber-based thermoelectrics …
and stable charging and cooling techniques is of significance. Fiber-based thermoelectrics …
Entropy engineering enabled atomically dispersed Cu do** leading to an exceptionally high thermoelectric figure of merit in n-type lead chalcogenides
High-entropy lead chalcogenides usually exhibit high ZT values at a very narrow
temperature window because the highly disordered lattice structure trades electrical …
temperature window because the highly disordered lattice structure trades electrical …
Inorganic thermoelectric materials: A review
Thermoelectric generator, which converts heat into electrical energy, has great potential to
power portable devices. Nevertheless, the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator suffers …
power portable devices. Nevertheless, the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator suffers …
General design of high-performance and textured layered thermoelectric materials via stacking of mechanically exfoliated crystals
Layered materials exhibit potential for thermoelectric applications, which are reliant on
microstructural texture for high performance. In this work, we present layered crystal stacking …
microstructural texture for high performance. In this work, we present layered crystal stacking …
High‐Efficiency Thermoelectric Power Generation Enabled by Homogeneous Incorporation of MXene in (Bi,Sb)2Te3 Matrix
Abstract The (Bi, Sb) 2Te3 (BST) compounds have long been considered as the benchmark
of thermoelectric (TE) materials near room temperature especially for refrigeration. However …
of thermoelectric (TE) materials near room temperature especially for refrigeration. However …
Modulation Do** Enables Ultrahigh Power Factor and Thermoelectric ZT in n‐Type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3
Bismuth telluride‐based thermoelectric (TE) materials are historically recognized as the best
p‐type (ZT= 1.8) TE materials at room temperature. However, the poor performance of n …
p‐type (ZT= 1.8) TE materials at room temperature. However, the poor performance of n …