Advanced thermoelectric design: from materials and structures to devices

XL Shi, J Zou, ZG Chen - Chemical reviews, 2020 - ACS Publications
The long-standing popularity of thermoelectric materials has contributed to the creation of
various thermoelectric devices and stimulated the development of strategies to improve their …

Challenges and opportunities in low-dimensional thermoelectric nanomaterials

J Dong, A Suwardi, XY Tan, N Jia, K Saglik, R Ji… - Materials Today, 2023 - Elsevier
Thermoelectric materials can convert heat into electrical energy, which can potentially be
used to improve the fuel efficiency of conventional heat engines. In recent decades …

Realizing record high performance in n-type Bi 2 Te 3-based thermoelectric materials

B Zhu, X Liu, Q Wang, Y Qiu, Z Shu, Z Guo… - Energy & …, 2020 -
The application of Bi2Te3-based power generation is seriously hindered by the poor n-type
samples, demonstrating a strong demand for high-performance n-type Bi2Te3-based …

Self-powered temperature sensor with seebeck effect transduction for photothermal–thermoelectric coupled immunoassay

L Huang, J Chen, Z Yu, D Tang - Analytical chemistry, 2020 - ACS Publications
A self-powered temperature sensor based on Seebeck effect transduction was designed for
photothermal–thermoelectric coupled immunoassay of α-fetoprotein (AFP). In this system …

Fiber-based thermoelectrics for solid, portable, and wearable electronics

XL Shi, WY Chen, T Zhang, J Zou… - Energy & Environmental …, 2021 -
With the growing demand for solid, portable, and wearable electronics, exploring recyclable
and stable charging and cooling techniques is of significance. Fiber-based thermoelectrics …

Entropy engineering enabled atomically dispersed Cu do** leading to an exceptionally high thermoelectric figure of merit in n-type lead chalcogenides

Z Yuan, M Wu, S Han, P Liu, Z Ge, B Ge… - Energy & …, 2024 -
High-entropy lead chalcogenides usually exhibit high ZT values at a very narrow
temperature window because the highly disordered lattice structure trades electrical …

Inorganic thermoelectric materials: A review

MN Hasan, H Wahid, N Nayan… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Thermoelectric generator, which converts heat into electrical energy, has great potential to
power portable devices. Nevertheless, the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator suffers …

General design of high-performance and textured layered thermoelectric materials via stacking of mechanically exfoliated crystals

YK Zhu, Y Sun, X Dong, L Yin, M Liu, M Guo, H Wu, F Li… - Joule, 2024 -
Layered materials exhibit potential for thermoelectric applications, which are reliant on
microstructural texture for high performance. In this work, we present layered crystal stacking …

High‐Efficiency Thermoelectric Power Generation Enabled by Homogeneous Incorporation of MXene in (Bi,Sb)2Te3 Matrix

X Lu, Q Zhang, J Liao, H Chen, Y Fan… - Advanced Energy …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The (Bi, Sb) 2Te3 (BST) compounds have long been considered as the benchmark
of thermoelectric (TE) materials near room temperature especially for refrigeration. However …

Modulation Do** Enables Ultrahigh Power Factor and Thermoelectric ZT in n‐Type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3

CL Chen, TH Wang, ZG Yu, Y Hutabalian… - Advanced …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Bismuth telluride‐based thermoelectric (TE) materials are historically recognized as the best
p‐type (ZT= 1.8) TE materials at room temperature. However, the poor performance of n …