Phragmites australis management in the United States: 40 years of methods and outcomes
Studies on invasive plant management are often short in duration and limited in the methods
tested, and lack an adequate description of plant communities that replace the invader …
tested, and lack an adequate description of plant communities that replace the invader …
Moving from a regional to a continental perspective of Phragmites australis invasion in North America
Aims We use a regional comparison of Phragmites australis (common reed) subsp.
americanus, P. australis subsp. berlandieri and introduced P. australis (possibly five …
americanus, P. australis subsp. berlandieri and introduced P. australis (possibly five …
Multi-scale methods predict invasion speeds in variable landscapes: Case study: Phragmites australis
Spread rates of invasive plant species depend heavily on variable seed/seedling
survivorships over various habitat types as well as on variability in seed dispersal induced …
survivorships over various habitat types as well as on variability in seed dispersal induced …
[Књига][B] Control of large stands of Phragmites australis in Great Salt Lake, Utah wetlands
CR Cranney - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Phragmites australis (hereafter Phragmites) often forms dense monocultures, which displace
native plant communities and alter ecosystem functions and services. Managers tasked with …
native plant communities and alter ecosystem functions and services. Managers tasked with …
Impacts of Phragmites australis management on wetland plant community recovery, seedbank composition, and the physical environment in the Chesapeake Bay
ELG Hazelton - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Biological invasions have adverse economic, cultural, and ecological effects worldwide.
Among the most impactful in North America is the invasion of Phragmites australis …
Among the most impactful in North America is the invasion of Phragmites australis …
Lutte intégrée au roseau commun: prévention, confinement et éradication
S Karathanos - 2016 - papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca
Les plantes envahissantes menacent la biodiversité ainsi que les activités humaines. Afin
de les maîtriser, la pulvérisation d'herbicides est une méthode fréquemment employée en …
de les maîtriser, la pulvérisation d'herbicides est une méthode fréquemment employée en …
Evaluating Phragmites australis Management: Impacts of Herbicide Management on Plant Community Composition of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands
JE Bonello - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Invasive species, such as Phragmites australis, are a global threat to plant diversity and are
commonly controlled using herbicide management. However, information on how native …
commonly controlled using herbicide management. However, information on how native …
[PDF][PDF] Phragmites Management in the United States: 40 years of methods and outcomes
E Hazelton, D Whigham - 2014 - greatlakesphragmites.net
Evaluating Phragmites Management in Watersheds with Differing Land Uses Page 1
Phragmites Management in the US: 40 years of Methods and Outcomes Eric LG Hazelton, MS …
Phragmites Management in the US: 40 years of Methods and Outcomes Eric LG Hazelton, MS …
KM Kettenring, S de Blois, DP Hauber - cas.loyno.edu
Aims: We use a regional comparison of Phragmites australis (common reed) subsp.
americanus, P. australis subsp. berlandieri, and introduced P. australis (possibly five …
americanus, P. australis subsp. berlandieri, and introduced P. australis (possibly five …