Policy implementation styles and local governments: the case of climate change adaptation
Adaptation to impacts of climate change is a key pillar of climate change policy, and local
governments have historically played a major role in the design and implementation of these …
governments have historically played a major role in the design and implementation of these …
Decentralization, incentives, and local tax enforcement
J Jia, S Ding, Y Liu - Journal of urban economics, 2020 - Elsevier
China recently initiated a major decentralization reform to simultaneously improve tax
autonomy and fiscal transfers to county governments. We use an instrumented difference-in …
autonomy and fiscal transfers to county governments. We use an instrumented difference-in …
A dynamic model of fiscal decentralization and public debt accumulation
This paper develops a dynamic infinite-horizon model with two layers of governments to
study theoretically and quantitatively how fiscal decentralization affects local and central …
study theoretically and quantitatively how fiscal decentralization affects local and central …
Vertical fiscal imbalance and local fiscal indiscipline: Empirical evidence from China
Based on Chinese city-level panel dataset, this paper examines the effects of vertical fiscal
imbalances (VFI) on local fiscal indiscipline in a partial fiscal decentralization setting. We …
imbalances (VFI) on local fiscal indiscipline in a partial fiscal decentralization setting. We …
The pressure of economic growth and the issuance of Urban Investment Bonds: Based on panel data from 2005 to 2011 in China
H Wu, J Yang, Q Yang - Journal of Asian Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper explores the motivations behind the issuance of Urban Investment Bonds (UIBs)
to stimulate local economies in China after the 2008 global financial crisis. Based on panel …
to stimulate local economies in China after the 2008 global financial crisis. Based on panel …
On the effects of intergovernmental grants: A survey
This paper offers a comprehensive and updated review of the effects of intergovernmental
grants. We focus on the main findings in the existing literature on the effects of …
grants. We focus on the main findings in the existing literature on the effects of …
Бюджетная система России: насколько устойчива?
АА Михайлова, ЕН Тимушев - Экономический журнал Высшей …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье уточняются понятия бюджетной устойчивости и ее основные индикаторы,
оценивается устойчивость бюджетной системы России на региональном уровне …
оценивается устойчивость бюджетной системы России на региональном уровне …
Бюджетная децентрализация в пандемию и постпандемийных условиях
ВВ Климанов, АА Михайлова - Журнал Новой экономической …, 2021 - elibrary.ru
В 2020 г. многие страны мира, в том числе и Россия, столкнулись с уникальной
ситуацией, в которой субфедеральным органам власти вынужденно приходилось …
ситуацией, в которой субфедеральным органам власти вынужденно приходилось …
Health expenditure decentralization and health outcomes: The importance of governance
R Nakatani, Q Zhang… - Publius: The Journal of …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Does health expenditure decentralization improve a nation's health? Should countries care
about governance quality when they decentralize healthcare spending to local …
about governance quality when they decentralize healthcare spending to local …
[PDF][PDF] Regions of Russia during the pandemic: Socioeconomic dynamics and budget revenues
NV Zubarevich - Journal of the New Economic Association, 2021 - econorus.org
It is difficult to identify the most and the least affected regions in the pandemic crisis, since
the dynamics of different indicators did not coincide. Industrial output decline was deeper in …
the dynamics of different indicators did not coincide. Industrial output decline was deeper in …