Carrageenan based hydrogels for drug delivery, tissue engineering and wound healing
Carrageenan is a class of naturally occurring sulphated polysaccharides, which is currently
a promising candidate in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine as it resemblances …
a promising candidate in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine as it resemblances …
Progress in brain targeting drug delivery system by nasal route
AR Khan, M Liu, MW Khan, G Zhai - Journal of Controlled Release, 2017 - Elsevier
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) restricts the transport of potential therapeutic moieties to the
brain. Direct targeting the brain via olfactory and trigeminal neural pathways by passing the …
brain. Direct targeting the brain via olfactory and trigeminal neural pathways by passing the …
The effect of oxytocin nasal spray on social interaction deficits observed in young children with autism: a randomized clinical crossover trial
Interventions for autism are limited. The synthetic hormone oxytocin may provide a potential
treatment to improve core social and behavioral difficulties in autism, but its efficacy has yet …
treatment to improve core social and behavioral difficulties in autism, but its efficacy has yet …
Elevated cerebrospinal fluid and blood concentrations of oxytocin following its intranasal administration in humans
N Striepens, KM Kendrick, V Hanking, R Landgraf… - Scientific reports, 2013 - nature.com
There has been an unprecedented interest in the modulatory effects of intranasal oxytocin
on human social cognition and behaviour, however as yet no study has actually …
on human social cognition and behaviour, however as yet no study has actually …
Statistical and methodological considerations for the interpretation of intranasal oxytocin studies
Over the last decade, oxytocin (OT) has received focus in numerous studies associating
intranasal administration of this peptide with various aspects of human social behavior …
intranasal administration of this peptide with various aspects of human social behavior …
Kinetics and dose dependency of intranasal oxytocin effects on amygdala reactivity
Background Current neuroimaging perspectives on a variety of mental disorders emphasize
dysfunction of the amygdala. The neuropeptide oxytocin (OXT), a key mediator in the …
dysfunction of the amygdala. The neuropeptide oxytocin (OXT), a key mediator in the …
Social skills deficits in autism spectrum disorder: potential biological origins and progress in develo** therapeutic agents
RE Frye - CNS drugs, 2018 - Springer
Autism spectrum disorder is defined by two core symptoms: a deficit in social communication
and the presence of repetitive behaviors and/or restricted interests. Currently, there is no US …
and the presence of repetitive behaviors and/or restricted interests. Currently, there is no US …
Sniffing around oxytocin: review and meta-analyses of trials in healthy and clinical groups with implications for pharmacotherapy
MJ Bakermans-Kranenburg… - Translational …, 2013 - nature.com
The popularity of oxytocin (OT) has grown exponentially during the past decade, and so has
the number of OT trials in healthy and clinical groups. We take stock of the evidence from …
the number of OT trials in healthy and clinical groups. We take stock of the evidence from …
The effects of a course of intranasal oxytocin on social behaviors in youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: a randomized controlled trial
Background There is increasing interest in oxytocin as a therapeutic to treat social deficits in
autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a …
autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a …
Oxytocin and the neurobiology of prosocial behavior
Humans are an unusually prosocial species, who engage in social behaviors that include
altruism—whereby an individual engages in costly or risky acts to improve the welfare of …
altruism—whereby an individual engages in costly or risky acts to improve the welfare of …