Load frequency stabilization of distinct hybrid conventional and renewable power systems incorporated with electrical vehicles and capacitive energy storage
Maintaining a power balance between generation and demand is generally acknowledged
as being essential to maintaining a system frequency within reasonable bounds. This is …
as being essential to maintaining a system frequency within reasonable bounds. This is …
Robust parameters tuning of different power system stabilizers using a quantum artificial gorilla troops optimizer
Electrical power system abnormalities may have several negative consequences on its
stable operation. As a result, preserving its stability under such operational states has …
stable operation. As a result, preserving its stability under such operational states has …
Driver training based optimized fractional order PI-PDF controller for frequency stabilization of diverse hybrid power system
This work provides an enhanced novel cascaded controller-based frequency stabilization of
a two-region interconnected power system incorporating electric vehicles. The proposed …
a two-region interconnected power system incorporating electric vehicles. The proposed …
Resilient virtual synchronous generator approach using DC-link capacitor energy for frequency support of interconnected renewable power systems
Modern interconnected power systems with many renewable energy sources (RESs) are
more susceptible to disturbances than conventional power systems because they lack the …
more susceptible to disturbances than conventional power systems because they lack the …
[HTML][HTML] New tilt fractional-order integral derivative with fractional filter (TFOIDFF) controller with artificial hummingbird optimizer for LFC in renewable energy power …
Recent advancements in renewable generation resources and their vast implementation in
power sectors have posed serious challenges regarding their operation, protection, and …
power sectors have posed serious challenges regarding their operation, protection, and …
An efficient coordinated strategy for frequency stability in hybrid power systems with renewables considering interline power flow controller and redox flow battery
This paper proposes a new load frequency control (LFC) structure based on a tilt fraction-
order integral (TI λ) controller (ie, as a feed-forward controller) and a proportional fraction …
order integral (TI λ) controller (ie, as a feed-forward controller) and a proportional fraction …
Adaptive guided salp swarm algorithm with velocity clam** mechanism for solving optimization problems
Salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is a well-established population-based optimizer that exhibits
strong exploration ability, but slow convergence and poor exploitation capability. In this …
strong exploration ability, but slow convergence and poor exploitation capability. In this …
[HTML][HTML] An eagle strategy arithmetic optimization algorithm for frequency stability enhancement considering high renewable power penetration and time-varying load
This study proposes a new optimization technique, known as the eagle strategy arithmetic
optimization algorithm (ESAOA), to address the limitations of the original algorithm called …
optimization algorithm (ESAOA), to address the limitations of the original algorithm called …
Frequency regulation of interconnected hybrid power system with assimilation of electrical vehicles
Recent widespread connections of renewable energy resource (RESs) in place of fossil fuel
supplies and the adoption of electrical vehicles in place of gasoline-powered vehicles have …
supplies and the adoption of electrical vehicles in place of gasoline-powered vehicles have …
Frequency stability enhancement of hybrid multi-area power grid considering high renewable energy penetration using TID controller
This article presents an efficient control strategy based on a Tilt-Integral-Derivative (TID)
controller gains to face future problems related to modern power systems. Nowadays, most …
controller gains to face future problems related to modern power systems. Nowadays, most …