[HTML][HTML] A review on solid oxide fuel cell durability: Latest progress, mechanisms, and study tools
The commercial breakthrough of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) is still hampered by
degradation related issues. Most SOFCs that perform well do not possess good stability. To …
degradation related issues. Most SOFCs that perform well do not possess good stability. To …
The review of power generation from integrated biomass gasification and solid oxide fuel cells: current status and future directions
The integration of biomass based gasification with power systems can enable carbon
neutral electricity. This study examines the power generation process from syngas derived …
neutral electricity. This study examines the power generation process from syngas derived …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells operated in a real-system environment: State-of-the-health diagnostic, failure modes, degradation mitigation …
Solid oxide cells (SOC) play a major role in strategic visions to achieve decarbonization and
climate-neutrality. With its multifuel capability, this technology has received rapidly growing …
climate-neutrality. With its multifuel capability, this technology has received rapidly growing …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence for solid oxide fuel cells: Combining automated high accuracy artificial neural network model generation and genetic algorithm for time …
F Mütter, C Berger, B Königshofer, M Höber… - Energy Conversion and …, 2023 - Elsevier
In order to accelerate the commercialization of solid oxide fuel cells, optimal process
parameters for reliable and efficient electricity generation are of the highest interest. To …
parameters for reliable and efficient electricity generation are of the highest interest. To …
Impact of syngas from biomass gasification on solid oxide fuel cells: A review study for the energy transition
Operating solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) with gas from biomass gasification ensures a
combined heat and power system with a less complex gas cleaning and an efficient use of …
combined heat and power system with a less complex gas cleaning and an efficient use of …
Construction of a transient multi-physics model of solid oxide fuel cell fed by biomass syngas considering the carbon deposition and temperature effect
Carbon deposition is a thorny issue for the SOFC fueled by low carbon hydrocarbons such
as biomass syngas. Moreover, long-term large temperature gradients would reduce SOFC …
as biomass syngas. Moreover, long-term large temperature gradients would reduce SOFC …
Extensive analysis of large planar SOFC: operation with humidified methane and carbon monoxide to examine carbon deposition based degradation
B Stoeckl, V Subotić, D Reichholf, H Schroettner… - Electrochimica …, 2017 - Elsevier
A great benefit of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) is the possibility to use a variety of different
fuels. However, feeding the anode with carbonaceous fuels can induce carbon depositions …
fuels. However, feeding the anode with carbonaceous fuels can induce carbon depositions …
Towards a practical tool for online monitoring of solid oxide fuel cell operation: An experimental study and application of advanced data analysis approaches
V Subotić, B Stoeckl, V Lawlor, J Strasser… - Applied Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
Reliability and durability are key criteria for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems in order to
gain a market acceptance and establish a positive reputation. To ensure SOFCs reach their …
gain a market acceptance and establish a positive reputation. To ensure SOFCs reach their …
SOFC operation with carbon oxides: experimental analysis of performance and degradation
B Stoeckl, V Subotić, M Preininger, H Schroettner… - Electrochimica …, 2018 - Elsevier
The high fuel flexibility of solid oxide fuel cells allow them to be operated using
carbonaceous fuels. This work focuses on a supply of carbon monoxide on large planar …
carbonaceous fuels. This work focuses on a supply of carbon monoxide on large planar …
Numerical analysis on effect of aspect ratio of planar solid oxide fuel cell fueled with decomposed ammonia
Planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with decomposed ammonia are numerically studied to
investigate the effect of the cell aspect ratio. The ammonia decomposer is assumed to be …
investigate the effect of the cell aspect ratio. The ammonia decomposer is assumed to be …