Two step technology for porous ZnO nanosystem formation for potential use in hydrogen gas sensors
The aim of the work was to develop a technology for porous ZnO nanosystems formation
and to determine the relationship between their morphology and sensor properties to …
and to determine the relationship between their morphology and sensor properties to …
Formation of copper porous structures under near-equilibrium chemical vapor deposition
AS Kornyushchenko, VV Natalich… - Journal of Crystal …, 2016 - Elsevier
The mechanism of copper structure formation under near-equilibrium conditions in a
chemically-active medium-condensate system has been investigated. The desired …
chemically-active medium-condensate system has been investigated. The desired …
Структурно–морфологічні характеристики та електрофізичні властивості пористих конденсатів Zn, Ni, Cu і їх оксидів в поєднанні з C і Si
СТ Шевченко - 2023 - essuir.sumdu.edu.ua
В даній роботі на основі універсального технологічного підходу, основою якого є
конденсація пари з малим відносним перенасиченням, були отримані пористі мікро–та …
конденсація пари з малим відносним перенасиченням, були отримані пористі мікро–та …
Regularities of self-organization of technological conditions during plasma-arc synthesis of carbon nanotubes
YO Kosminska, VI Perekrestov - Diamond and Related Materials, 2018 - Elsevier
The emerging concept of self-organization under conditions of plasma-surface interaction is
reflected in the present analytical study of the processes and causes of carbon nanotube …
reflected in the present analytical study of the processes and causes of carbon nanotube …
Formation of chromium layers under Volmer–Weber conditions at critically small supersaturations
VI Perekrestov, AS Kornyushchenko, VV Natalich - Solid state sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
The formation mechanism of chromium layers obtained with a help of unbalanced
magnetron sputterer operating under extremely weak vapor fluxes and high growth surface …
magnetron sputterer operating under extremely weak vapor fluxes and high growth surface …
Self-assembly of porous Cu structures during steady-state condensation of weakly supersaturated vapors
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska… - Journal of Porous …, 2014 - Springer
A new technological approach to the porous layers formation with various structural and
morphological forms has been developed on the example of copper. It is based on a copper …
morphological forms has been developed on the example of copper. It is based on a copper …
Islands growth control in adsorptive multilayer plasma-condensate systems
A model for adsorbate islands growth is proposed to simulate pattern formation in multilayer
plasma-condensate system. It was shown that morphology of surface patterns and mean …
plasma-condensate system. It was shown that morphology of surface patterns and mean …
Effect of boric acid addition to seawater on wear and corrosion properties of ultrashort physical vapor deposited Ti layer on a 304 stainless steel
AISI 304 stainless steel specimens are deposited with Ti using physical vapor deposition
method for 3, 5, and 8 min. Then, specimens are subjected to wear test with 10 and 20 N …
method for 3, 5, and 8 min. Then, specimens are subjected to wear test with 10 and 20 N …
Механизмы роста 3D-структур C, Cu, Zn в условиях околоравновесной стационарной конденсации
ВМ Латышев - 2015 - essuir.sumdu.edu.ua
Диссертационная работа посвящена изучению закономерностей
структурообразования 3D-систем веществ существенно различной летучести (C, Cu и …
структурообразования 3D-систем веществ существенно различной летучести (C, Cu и …
[HTML][HTML] Scaling properties of the growing monolayer on the disordered substrate
AV Dvornichenko, VO Kharchenko - Physics Letters A, 2020 - Elsevier
We present results of theoretical and numerical studies the pattern formation processes in
adsorptive system with the disordered substrate, representing high-entropy alloy. The lateral …
adsorptive system with the disordered substrate, representing high-entropy alloy. The lateral …