Learning from “coffee rings”: ordered structures enabled by controlled evaporative self‐assembly
Research into the evaporation of solutions is not only aimed at a better understanding the
physics of evaporation, but increasingly at capitalizing on the extremely simple method it …
physics of evaporation, but increasingly at capitalizing on the extremely simple method it …
A comprehensive review on poly (3-alkylthiophene)-based crystalline structures, protocols and electronic applications
S Agbolaghi, S Zenoozi - Organic Electronics, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Poly (3-alkylthiophenes)(P3ATs) particularly poly (3-hexylthiophene)(P3HT) have
vigorous tendency to crystallize into the ordered morphologies, thereby reflect the efficient …
vigorous tendency to crystallize into the ordered morphologies, thereby reflect the efficient …
Hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces fabricated by dual‐scale electron‐beam‐lithography with well‐ordered secondary nanostructures
J Feng, MT Tuominen… - Advanced Functional …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Recent studies on superhydrophobic surfaces have revealed the important roles of structural
hierarchy in the overall properties of these surfaces. Here, a novel, versatile, and efficient …
hierarchy in the overall properties of these surfaces. Here, a novel, versatile, and efficient …
Evaporation of sessile droplets laden with particles and insoluble surfactants
We consider the flow dynamics of a thin evaporating droplet in the presence of an insoluble
surfactant and noninteracting particles in the bulk. On the basis of lubrication theory, we …
surfactant and noninteracting particles in the bulk. On the basis of lubrication theory, we …
Highly Crystalline C8‐BTBT Thin‐Film Transistors by Lateral Homo‐Epitaxial Growth on Printed Templates
Highly crystalline thin films of organic semiconductors offer great potential for fundamental
material studies as well as for realizing high‐performance, low‐cost flexible electronics. The …
material studies as well as for realizing high‐performance, low‐cost flexible electronics. The …
Self-assembly of all-conjugated poly (3-alkylthiophene) diblock copolymer nanostructures from mixed selective solvents
The use of mixed selective solvents provides an effective means to control self-assembly of
the all-conjugated diblock copolymer poly (3-butylthiophene)-b-poly (3-hexylthiophene) …
the all-conjugated diblock copolymer poly (3-butylthiophene)-b-poly (3-hexylthiophene) …
Crafting semiconductor organic− inorganic nanocomposites via placing conjugated polymers in intimate contact with nanocrystals for hybrid solar cells
L Zhao, Z Lin - Advanced Materials, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Semiconductor organic− inorganic hybrid solar cells incorporating conjugated polymers
(CPs) and nanocrystals (NCs) offer the potential to deliver efficient energy conversion with …
(CPs) and nanocrystals (NCs) offer the potential to deliver efficient energy conversion with …
Review on Crystallization Strategies for Polymer Single Crystals
T Wu, J Xu, H Ye - Crystals, 2024 - mdpi.com
Polymer physics has evolved significantly over the past century, transitioning from the early
recognition of the chain structure of polymers to a mature field integrating principles from …
recognition of the chain structure of polymers to a mature field integrating principles from …
Drying-mediated assembly of colloidal nanoparticles into large-scale microchannels
Large-scale highly ordered microchannels were spontaneously and rapidly created by
simply drying the colloidal nanoparticle suspension on a rigid substrate. Interestingly, free …
simply drying the colloidal nanoparticle suspension on a rigid substrate. Interestingly, free …
All-conjugated poly (3-alkylthiophene) diblock copolymer-based bulk heterojunction solar cells with controlled molecular organization and nanoscale morphology
Control over the ratio of two blocks in a new class of all-conjugated diblock copolymers, poly
(3-butylthiophene)-b-poly (3-hexylthiophene)(P3BHT), provides a facile approach to …
(3-butylthiophene)-b-poly (3-hexylthiophene)(P3BHT), provides a facile approach to …