[HTML][HTML] Neuronal synchrony: a versatile code for the definition of relations?

W Singer - Neuron, 1999 - cell.com
Most of our knowledge about the functional organization of neuronal systems is based on
the analysis of the firing patterns of individual neurons that have been recorded one by one …

'What'and 'where'in the human brain

LG Ungerleider, JV Haxby - Current opinion in neurobiology, 1994 - Elsevier
Multiple visual areas in the cortex of nonhuman primates are organized into two
hierarchically organized and functionally specialized processing pathways, a 'ventral …

[BOK][B] The visual brain in action

D Milner, M Goodale - 2006 - books.google.com
First published in 1995, The Visual Brain in Action remains a seminal publication in the
cognitive sciences. It presents a model for understanding the visual processing underlying …

Spatial vision

RL DeValois, KK DeValois - 1990 - books.google.com
This volume presents an integrated view of how we perceive the spatial relations in our
visual world, covering anatomical, physiological, psychophysical, and perceptual aspects …

Deep hierarchies in the primate visual cortex: What can we learn for computer vision?

N Kruger, P Janssen, S Kalkan, M Lappe… - IEEE transactions on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Computational modeling of the primate visual system yields insights of potential relevance to
some of the challenges that computer vision is facing, such as object recognition and …

Motion illusions as optimal percepts

Y Weiss, EP Simoncelli, EH Adelson - Nature neuroscience, 2002 - nature.com
The pattern of local image velocities on the retina encodes important environmental
information. Although humans are generally able to extract this information, they can easily …

Perceptual learning: toward a comprehensive theory

T Watanabe, Y Sasaki - Annual review of psychology, 2015 - annualreviews.org
Visual perceptual learning (VPL) is long-term performance increase resulting from visual
perceptual experience. Task-relevant VPL of a feature results from training of a task on the …

A relationship between behavioral choice and the visual responses of neurons in macaque MT

KH Britten, WT Newsome, MN Shadlen… - Visual …, 1996 - cambridge.org
We have previously documented the exquisite motion sensitivity of neurons in extrastriate
area MT by studying the relationship between their responses and the direction and strength …

[BOK][B] Visual perception: Physiology, psychology and ecology

V Bruce, MA Georgeson, PR Green - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This comprehensively updated and expanded revision of the successful second edition
continues to provide detailed coverage of the ever-growing range of research topics in …

Structure and function of visual area MT

RT Born, DC Bradley - Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 2005 - annualreviews.org
The small visual area known as MT or V5 has played a major role in our understanding of
the primate cerebral cortex. This area has been historically important in the concept of …