Theory of mind in animals: Current and future directions
Abstract Theory of mind (ToM; aka, mind‐reading, mentalizing, mental‐state attribution, and
perspective‐taking) is the ability to ascribe mental states, such as desires and beliefs, to …
perspective‐taking) is the ability to ascribe mental states, such as desires and beliefs, to …
Cognition without cortex
Assumptions on the neural basis of cognition usually focus on cortical mechanisms. Birds
have no cortex, but recent studies in parrots and corvids show that their cognitive skills are …
have no cortex, but recent studies in parrots and corvids show that their cognitive skills are …
[BOK][B] The wake of crows: Living and dying in shared worlds
T Dooren - 2019 -
The first Mariana crow I encountered in the flesh was a young bird named Diseja. Perched
up close to the mesh siding of her small aviary, she called out again and again as she saw …
up close to the mesh siding of her small aviary, she called out again and again as she saw …
A comparative view of face perception.
Face perception serves as the basis for much of human social exchange. Diverse
information can be extracted about an individual from a single glance at their face, including …
information can be extracted about an individual from a single glance at their face, including …
Avian models for human cognitive neuroscience: a proposal
Research on avian cognitive neuroscience over the past two decades has revealed the
avian brain to be a better model for understanding human cognition than previously thought …
avian brain to be a better model for understanding human cognition than previously thought …
The role of animal cognition in human-wildlife interactions
Humans have a profound effect on the planet's ecosystems, and unprecedented rates of
human population growth and urbanization have brought wild animals into increasing …
human population growth and urbanization have brought wild animals into increasing …
Birds of a feather? Parrot and corvid cognition compared
The last several decades of research on avian cognition have revealed surprising parallels
between the abilities of birds—most notably corvids—and great apes. Parrots, albeit far less …
between the abilities of birds—most notably corvids—and great apes. Parrots, albeit far less …
[BOK][B] Animal cognition: Evolution, behavior and cognition
Thoroughly updated for its third edition with the latest research in the field, this innovative
text delivers an apt and comprehensive introduction to the rich and complex world of animal …
text delivers an apt and comprehensive introduction to the rich and complex world of animal …
Animal pointing: Changing trends and findings from 30 years of research.
The past 30 years have witnessed a continued and growing interest in the production and
comprehension of manual pointing gestures in nonhuman animals. Captive primates with …
comprehension of manual pointing gestures in nonhuman animals. Captive primates with …
Gaze following: A socio-cognitive skill rooted in deep time
C Zeiträg, TR Jensen, M Osvath - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 -
Social gaze has received much attention in social cognition research in both human and
non-human animals. Gaze following appears to be a central skill for acquiring social …
non-human animals. Gaze following appears to be a central skill for acquiring social …