Waterjet machining and research developments: A review

X Liu, Z Liang, G Wen, X Yuan - The International Journal of Advanced …, 2019 - Springer
Waterjet machining has attracted great attention in the conditions of hard-to-machine
materials, microstructures, or complicated industrial components, and it has become well …

[HTML][HTML] Improvement of rock cutting performance through two-pass abrasive waterjet cutting

G Aydin, I Karakurt, MR Amiri, S Kaya - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) has been widely used for the cutting of hard materials such as
rocks. The AWJ cutting of rocks has been well documented in the relevant literature. In these …

[PDF][PDF] A review on current research and development in abrasive waterjet machining

MM Korat, GD Acharya - Int J Eng Res Appl, 2014 - academia.edu
Abrasive waterjet machining (AWJM) is an emerging machining technology option for hard
material parts that are extremely difficult-to-machine by conventional machining processes …

An experimental study on the depth of cut of granite in abrasive waterjet cutting

I Karakurt, G Aydin, K Aydiner - Materials and Manufacturing …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Many studies investigating the cutting performances of waterjets for several kinds of
materials such as steel, brass, glass, or aluminium are available. However, there are few …

Effect of abrasive type on marble cutting performance of abrasive waterjet

G Aydin, S Kaya, I Karakurt - Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019 - Springer
Abrasives play a critical role in the erosion process of abrasive waterjet (AWJ). Therefore,
they can significantly affect the performance and profitability of cutting. In the relevant …

Numerical research on rock breaking by abrasive water jet-pick under confining pressure

S Liu, Y Cui, Y Chen, C Guo - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Conical pick bears great cutting force, shock, vibration and friction in breaking rock. In order
to improve rock breaking efficiency and reduce cutting force as well as pick wear, high …

Application of the pulsating and continous water jet for granite erosion

R Tripathi, S Hloch, S Chattopadhyaya… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
This research article aims at comparing the erosion performance of continuous and
ultrasonically generated pulsating water jet technologies on granite samples at three …

Artificial neural network and regression models for performance prediction of abrasive waterjet in rock cutting

G Aydin, I Karakurt, C Hamzacebi - The International Journal of Advanced …, 2014 - Springer
An experimental study is carried out for modeling the rock cutting performance of abrasive
waterjet. Kerf angle (KA) is considered as a performance criteria and modeled using artificial …

Improving surface roughness of abrasive waterjet cutting process by using statistical modeling

TM Ahmed, AS El Mesalamy, A Youssef… - CIRP Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting is considered one of the optimum machining processes for
cutting a reflective, conductive, or heat sensitive materials like aluminum alloys. The aim of …

Prediction of the cut depth of granitic rocks machined by abrasive waterjet (AWJ)

G Aydin, I Karakurt, K Aydiner - Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2013 - Springer
In this paper, an experimental study on the cut depth, which is an important cutting
performance indicator in the abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting of rock, was presented. Taguchi …