Tata Kelola Jurnal Ilmiah dan Strategi Peningkatan Peringkat Akreditasi
Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan tata kelola jurnal ilmiah
di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Atma Bhakti Surakarta. Kurangnya pemahaman …
di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Atma Bhakti Surakarta. Kurangnya pemahaman …
Sosialisasi penghitungan harga pokok penjualan dan harga jual produk pada industri lettering dan olahan makanan di kota surakarta
Usaha kecil dan menengah memiliki peran penting sebagai penggerak ekonomi di
Indonesia. Namun terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi UKM sehingga dapat …
Indonesia. Namun terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi UKM sehingga dapat …
[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Perception of Public Relations on the Fintech Lending Customer Loyalty
KZ Lovis - Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, X, 2021 - scholarhub.ui.ac.id
In this intense business competition era, it is significant to pay attention to customer loyalty
(Arslan, 2020). However, a study showed that the customer loyalty tends to decline …
(Arslan, 2020). However, a study showed that the customer loyalty tends to decline …
Optimal choice for convenience store chain in Vietnam
Chapter 24 explores factors influencing a decision to choose between convenience store
chains in the Vietnam market. Data used in the study was collected by the author from highly …
chains in the Vietnam market. Data used in the study was collected by the author from highly …
AIC Algorithm for a Decision to Choose the Convenience Store Chain: Evidence from Vietnam
NT Ngan, H Khoi - Intelligent Systems and Networks: Selected Articles …, 2022 - Springer
The chapter tests elements influencing a decision to choose the convenience store chain in
the context of the Vietnam market. The study's data was compiled by the author from a …
the context of the Vietnam market. The study's data was compiled by the author from a …
Penyuluhan pengembangan strategi pemasaran produk makanan ringan di desa ngijo kecamatan tasikmadu kabupaten karanganyar
Abstract Desa Ngijo Kecamatan Tasikmadu Kabupaten Karanganyar memiliki berbagai
potensi salah satunya usaha di bidang industri makanan ringan (snack). Permasalahan …
potensi salah satunya usaha di bidang industri makanan ringan (snack). Permasalahan …
Menghadapi ketatnya persaingan dan mengantisipasi risiko usaha jasa keuangan
perangkat organisasi Koperasi Dana Amanah Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DAPM) …
perangkat organisasi Koperasi Dana Amanah Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (DAPM) …