Mining meaningful and rare roles from web application usage patterns
N Gal-Oz, Y Gonen, E Gudes - Computers & Security, 2019 - Elsevier
Role mining refers to the problem of discovering an optimal set of roles from existing user
permissions. Most role mining algorithms, use the full set of user-permission assignments …
permissions. Most role mining algorithms, use the full set of user-permission assignments …
The generalized temporal role mining problem
Role mining, the process of deriving a set of roles from the available user-permission
assignments, is considered to be an essential step in successful implementation of Role …
assignments, is considered to be an essential step in successful implementation of Role …
Bridging the gap between role mining and role engineering via migration guides
A Baumgrass, M Strembeck - information security technical report, 2013 - Elsevier
In the context of role-based access control (RBAC), mining approaches, such as role mining
or organizational mining, can be applied to derive permissions and roles from a system's …
or organizational mining, can be applied to derive permissions and roles from a system's …
Deriving process-related rbac models from process execution histories
A Baumgrass, S Schefer-Wenzl… - 2012 IEEE 36th Annual …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In a business process context, access permissions grant the rights to perform certain tasks.
In particular, process-related role-based access control (RBAC) models define RBAC …
In particular, process-related role-based access control (RBAC) models define RBAC …
[Књига][B] Information Leaks and Limitations of Role-based Access Control Mechanisms: A Qualitative Exploratory Single Case Study
L Antony - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Failing to prevent leaks of confidential and proprietary information to unauthorized users
from software applications is a major challenge that companies face. Access control policies …
from software applications is a major challenge that companies face. Access control policies …
Incremental verification of physical access control systems
JH Laan - 2021 - essay.utwente.nl
Managing physical access control policies is a complex task. To check that policy changes
do not introduce security or configuration mistakes, formal verification can be employed …
do not introduce security or configuration mistakes, formal verification can be employed …
Automatic role tuning in a computer system
O Biller, B Rozenberg, D Rozenblat, O Sofer - US Patent 9,471,797, 2016 - Google Patents
R based at least in part on the existing role definitions of the system. For each role, the
processor system is further configured to identify logical sessions in the at least one …
processor system is further configured to identify logical sessions in the at least one …
Delta analysis of role-based access control models
M Leitner - Computer Aided Systems Theory-EUROCAST 2013 …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Role-based Access Control (RBAC) is de facto standard for access control in
Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS); it grants authorization to users based on roles …
Process-aware Information Systems (PAIS); it grants authorization to users based on roles …
Semantic analysis of role mining results and shadowed roles detection
The use of role engineering has grown in importance with the expansion of highly
abstracted access control frameworks in organizations. In particular, the use of role mining …
abstracted access control frameworks in organizations. In particular, the use of role mining …
Mesure de distance entre politiques de sécurité dans un service web
AM El-Marouf - 2015 - library-archives.canada.ca
La contribution principale de ce document est de suggérer une nouvelle méthode pour
mesurer le degré de similarité entre politiques de sécurité écrites en XACML. Ceci est …
mesurer le degré de similarité entre politiques de sécurité écrites en XACML. Ceci est …