Non‐consumptive predator effects on prey population size: A dearth of evidence
There is a large and growing interest in non‐consumptive effects (NCEs) of predators.
Diverse and extensive evidence shows that predation risk directly influences prey traits …
Diverse and extensive evidence shows that predation risk directly influences prey traits …
Cascading top‐down effects of changing oceanic predator abundances
Summary 1 Top‐down control can be an important determinant of ecosystem structure and
function, but in oceanic ecosystems, where cascading effects of predator depletions …
function, but in oceanic ecosystems, where cascading effects of predator depletions …
Increased tolerance to humans among disturbed wildlife
Human disturbance drives the decline of many species, both directly and indirectly.
Nonetheless, some species do particularly well around humans. One mechanism that may …
Nonetheless, some species do particularly well around humans. One mechanism that may …
Effects of humans on behaviour of wildlife exceed those of natural predators in a landscape of fear
Background Human disturbance can influence wildlife behaviour, which can have
implications for wildlife populations. For example, wildlife may be more vigilant near human …
implications for wildlife populations. For example, wildlife may be more vigilant near human …
Reality as the leading cause of stress: rethinking the impact of chronic stress in nature
R Boonstra - Functional Ecology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Chronic activation of the stress axis caused by long‐term uncontrollable and unpredictable
factors in the environment has been regarded as causing maladaptive and/or pathological …
factors in the environment has been regarded as causing maladaptive and/or pathological …
The rise of the mesopredator
Apex predators have experienced catastrophic declines throughout the world as a result of
human persecution and habitat loss. These collapses in top predator populations are …
human persecution and habitat loss. These collapses in top predator populations are …
[КНИГА][B] Trophic cascades: predators, prey, and the changing dynamics of nature
J Terborgh, JA Estes - 2013 - books.google.com
Trophic cascades—the top-down regulation of ecosystems by predators—are an essential
aspect of ecosystem function and well-being. Trophic cascades are often drastically …
aspect of ecosystem function and well-being. Trophic cascades are often drastically …
Predator–prey naïveté, antipredator behavior, and the ecology of predator invasions
We present a framework for explaining variation in predator invasion success and predator
impacts on native prey that integrates information about predator–prey naïveté, predator and …
impacts on native prey that integrates information about predator–prey naïveté, predator and …
Insects as drivers of ecosystem processes
Highlights•In some instances, insects can be large direct inputs of biomass to the detrital
pool.•Insects and other small invertebrates transform biomass and alter decomposition …
pool.•Insects and other small invertebrates transform biomass and alter decomposition …
Cascading impacts of large-carnivore extirpation in an African ecosystem
Populations of the world's largest carnivores are declining and now occupy mere fractions of
their historical ranges. Theory predicts that when apex predators disappear, large …
their historical ranges. Theory predicts that when apex predators disappear, large …