Does human capital matter? A meta-analysis of the relationship between human capital and firm performance.

TR Crook, SY Todd, JG Combs, DJ Woehr… - Journal of applied …, 2011‏ -
Abstract Theory at both the micro and macro level predicts that investments in superior
human capital generate better firm-level performance. However, human capital takes time …

Services management research: Review, integration, and future directions

M Subramony, SD Pugh - Journal of Management, 2015‏ -
Several streams of management research have focused on the relationship between
organizations, employees, and customers within the context of services. However, this body …

How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms

K Jiang, DP Lepak, J Hu, JC Baer - Academy of management …, 2012‏ -
Drawing on the ability-motivation-opportunity model, this meta-analysis examined the effects
of three dimensions of HR systems—skills-enhancing, motivation-enhancing, and …

Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations

SY Sung, JN Choi - Journal of organizational behavior, 2014‏ - Wiley Online Library
The present study examines the effects of training and development on organizational
innovation. We specifically suggest that the training and development investments of an …

A meta‐analytic investigation of the relationship between HRM bundles and firm performance

M Subramony - Human resource management, 2009‏ - Wiley Online Library
Human resource management bundles consisting of multiple complementary practices are
typically considered superior to individual best practices in influencing firm performance …

How does corporate ethics contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of collective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship …

JS Chun, Y Shin, JN Choi, MS Kim - Journal of management, 2013‏ -
Despite the increasing significance of corporate ethics, few studies have explored the
intermediate mechanisms that explain the relationship between corporate ethics and firm …

Exploring the nexus between human capital, corporate governance and performance: Evidence from Islamic banks

T Nawaz - Journal of Business Ethics, 2019‏ - Springer
This paper offers novel insight into the Islamic banking business model by considering the
effect of investments in human capital and corporate governance features on the market …

[کتاب][B] Human resource strategy: Formulation, implementation, and impact

M Biron, C Boon, PA Bamberger - 2014‏ -
What is human resource strategy? How are human resources strategies formulated and how
can we explain the variance between what is espoused and what is actually implemented …

Retaining your high performers: Moderators of the performance–job satisfaction–voluntary turnover relationship.

A Nyberg - Journal of applied psychology, 2010‏ -
Two divergent ideas explain the relationship between performance and voluntary turnover.
One suggests that higher performing employees, who are rewarded for their superior work …

A cross-lagged test of the association between customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction in a relational context.

AR Zablah, BD Carlson, DT Donavan… - Journal of Applied …, 2016‏ -
Due to its practical importance, the relationship between customer satisfaction and frontline
employee (FLE) job satisfaction has received significant attention in the literature. Numerous …