Quantitative phase imaging in biomedicine

YK Park, C Depeursinge, G Popescu - Nature photonics, 2018‏ - nature.com
Quantitative phase imaging (QPI) has emerged as a valuable method for investigating cells
and tissues. QPI operates on unlabelled specimens and, as such, is complementary to …

Recent advances in holographic 3D particle tracking

P Memmolo, L Miccio, M Paturzo, GD Caprio… - Advances in Optics …, 2015‏ - opg.optica.org
Particle tracking is a fundamental technique for investigating a variety of biophysical
processes, from intracellular dynamics to the characterization of cell motility and migration …

Twin-image-free holography: a compressive sensing approach

W Zhang, L Cao, DJ Brady, H Zhang, J Cang, H Zhang… - Physical review …, 2018‏ - APS
Holographic reconstruction is troubled by the phase-conjugate wave front arising from
Hermitian symmetry of the complex field. The so-called twin image obfuscates the …

Principles and techniques of digital holographic microscopy

MK Kim - SPIE reviews, 2010‏ - spiedigitallibrary.org
Digital holography is an emerging field of new paradigm in general imaging applications.
We present a review of a subset of the research and development activities in digital …

[ספר][B] Handbook of holographic interferometry: optical and digital methods

T Kreis - 2006‏ - books.google.com
Laserbasierte Messverfahren sind heute unverzichtbar sowohl in der Hochtechnologie als
auch bei der Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie. Die interferometrische Holografie wird …

Digital holographic microscopy for live cell applications and technical inspection

B Kemper, G Von Bally - Applied optics, 2008‏ - opg.optica.org
Digital holographic microscopy enables a quantitative phase contrast metrology that is
suitable for the investigation of reflective surfaces as well as for the marker-free analysis of …

Focusing through dynamic tissue with millisecond digital optical phase conjugation

D Wang, EH Zhou, J Brake, H Ruan, M Jang, C Yang - Optica, 2015‏ - opg.optica.org
Digital optical phase conjugation (DOPC) is a new technique employed in wavefront
sha** and phase conjugation for focusing light through or within scattering media such as …

[ספר][B] Лазеры и волоконная оптика в биомедицинских исследованиях

В Тучин - 2022‏ - books.google.com
Рассмотрены принципы работы и характеристики лазеров, волоконных и
микроструктурных световодов, лазерных волоконно-оптических систем, применяемых …

Autofocusing in digital holographic phase contrast microscopy on pure phase objects for live cell imaging

P Langehanenberg, B Kemper, D Dirksen… - Applied …, 2008‏ - opg.optica.org
Digital holography enables a multifocus quantitative phase microscopy for the investigation
of reflective surfaces and for marker-free live cell imaging. For digital holographic long-term …

Investigation of living pancreas tumor cells by digital holographic microscopy

B Kemper, D Carl, J Schnekenburger… - … of biomedical optics, 2006‏ - spiedigitallibrary.org
Digital holographic microscopy provides new facilities for contactless and marker-free
quantitative phase contrast imaging. In this work, a digital holographic microscopy method …