A fuel-focused review of pre-chamber initiated combustion
This review covers efforts to optimize combustion in spark ignition and compression ignition
engines using pre-chamber ignition systems, with a focus on the fuel used in the pre …
engines using pre-chamber ignition systems, with a focus on the fuel used in the pre …
A comprehensive review of measurements and data analysis of laminar burning velocities for various fuel+ air mixtures
Accurate measurement and prediction of laminar burning velocity is important for
characterization of premixed combustion properties of a fuel, development and validation of …
characterization of premixed combustion properties of a fuel, development and validation of …
Hierarchical and comparative kinetic modeling of laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon and oxygenated fuels
The primary objective of the present endeavor is to collect, consolidate, and review the vast
amount of experimental data on the laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon and oxygenated …
amount of experimental data on the laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon and oxygenated …
Advances and challenges in laminar flame experiments and implications for combustion chemistry
The state of the art and the further challenges of combustion chemistry research in laminar
flames are reviewed. Laminar flames constitute an essential part of kinetic model …
flames are reviewed. Laminar flames constitute an essential part of kinetic model …
A compact skeletal mechanism for n-dodecane with optimized semi-global low-temperature chemistry for diesel engine simulations
A skeletal mechanism with 54 species and 269 reactions was developed to predict pyrolysis
and oxidation of n-dodecane as a diesel fuel surrogate involving both high-temperature …
and oxidation of n-dodecane as a diesel fuel surrogate involving both high-temperature …
Recent progress in the development of diesel surrogate fuels
There has been much recent progress in the area of surrogate fuels for diesel. In the last few
years, experiments and modeling have been performed on higher molecular weight …
years, experiments and modeling have been performed on higher molecular weight …
The experimental evaluation of a methodology for surrogate fuel formulation to emulate gas phase combustion kinetic phenomena
A methodology for the formulation of surrogate fuels for the emulation of real fuel gas phase
combustion kinetic phenomena pertinent to gas turbine combustion is described and tested …
combustion kinetic phenomena pertinent to gas turbine combustion is described and tested …
Effect of cylindrical confinement on the determination of laminar flame speeds using outwardly propagating flames
The effect of nonspherical (ie cylindrical) bomb geometry on the evolution of outwardly
propagating flames and the determination of laminar flame speeds using the conventional …
propagating flames and the determination of laminar flame speeds using the conventional …
A comparative experimental and computational study of methanol, ethanol, and n-butanol flames
Laminar flame speeds and extinction strain rates of premixed methanol, ethanol, and n-
butanol flames were determined experimentally in the counterflow configuration at …
butanol flames were determined experimentally in the counterflow configuration at …
Propagation and extinction of premixed C5–C12 n-alkane flames
Laminar flame speeds and extinction strain rates of premixed C5–C12n-alkane flames were
determined at atmospheric pressure and elevated unburned mixture temperatures, over a …
determined at atmospheric pressure and elevated unburned mixture temperatures, over a …