Radiation Shielding Concrete with alternate constituents: An approach to address multiple hazards
Abstract Radiation Shielding Concrete (RSC) is a superior alternative to many conventional
and modern shields against gamma and neutron radiation hazards. The present work is the …
and modern shields against gamma and neutron radiation hazards. The present work is the …
[HTML][HTML] Ultra-high-performance concrete for nuclear applications: A review of raw materials and mix design approaches
The nuclear sector, as a pivotal provider of clean energy, plays a crucial role in advancing
green economies. This sector is currently experiencing a resurgence, particularly with the …
green economies. This sector is currently experiencing a resurgence, particularly with the …
Optimization of reactive powder concrete by means of barite aggregate for both neutrons and gamma rays
High performance concrete has been often preferred in special engineering structures and
in challenging composites products. Researchers have recently focused on the radiation …
in challenging composites products. Researchers have recently focused on the radiation …
[PDF][PDF] Behavior of reinforced reactive powder concrete two-way slabs under static and repeated load
HA Hamid, SD Mohammed - Civil Engineering Journal, 2018 - core.ac.uk
This paper studies the behavior of reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) two-way
slabs under static and repeated load. The experimental program included testing six simply …
slabs under static and repeated load. The experimental program included testing six simply …
[HTML][HTML] Influence of cooling methods on the behavior of reactive powder concrete exposed to fire flame effect
HK Awad - Fibers, 2020 - mdpi.com
The construction of highly safe and durable buildings that can bear accident damage risks
including fire, earthquake, impact, and more, can be considered to be the most important …
including fire, earthquake, impact, and more, can be considered to be the most important …
Investigation of the impact of glass waste in reactive powder concrete on attenuation properties for Bremsstrahlung Ray
Abstract Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is one of the most advanced recent high
compressive strength concrete. This work explored the effects of using glass waste as a …
compressive strength concrete. This work explored the effects of using glass waste as a …
Compressive strength performance of reactive powder concrete using different types of materials as a partial replacement of fine aggregate
Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) can be incorporate as a one of the most important and
progressive concrete technology. It is a special type of ultra-high strength concrete (UHSC) …
progressive concrete technology. It is a special type of ultra-high strength concrete (UHSC) …
Experimental investigation of under reamed pile subjected to dynamic loading in Sandy soil
This paper presents an experimental study between uniform pile and different types of under-
reamed pile, single bulb. The under-reamed piles are piles with enlarged bases that are …
reamed pile, single bulb. The under-reamed piles are piles with enlarged bases that are …
Irradiation duration effect of Gamma ray on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete
Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) could be considered as the furthermost significant modern
high compressive strength concrete. In this study, an experimental investigation on the …
high compressive strength concrete. In this study, an experimental investigation on the …
[PDF][PDF] Расчетно-экспериментальные исследования радиационно-защитных свойств природных минералов Республики Египет и некоторых композитных …
КА Махмуд - 2022 - elar.urfu.ru
Я хотел бы выразить сердечную благодарность и признательность моему научному
руководителю, доценту д-ру Ташлыкову Олегу Леонидовичу, консультантам по …
руководителю, доценту д-ру Ташлыкову Олегу Леонидовичу, консультантам по …