Causes and consequences of micronuclei
Micronuclei are small membrane-bounded compartments with a DNA content encapsulated
by a nuclear envelope and spatially separated from the primary nucleus. Micronuclei have …
by a nuclear envelope and spatially separated from the primary nucleus. Micronuclei have …
Delete and survive: strategies of programmed genetic material elimination in eukaryotes
Genome stability is a crucial feature of eukaryotic organisms because its alteration
drastically affects the normal development and survival of cells and the organism as a …
drastically affects the normal development and survival of cells and the organism as a …
Proteogenomic characterization of skull-base chordoma
Skull-base chordoma is a rare, aggressive bone cancer with a high recurrence rate. Despite
advances in genomic studies, its molecular characteristics and effective therapies remain …
advances in genomic studies, its molecular characteristics and effective therapies remain …
The molecular origins and pathophysiological consequences of micronuclei: New insights into an age-old problem
Micronuclei (MN), the small nucleus-like bodies separated from the primary nucleus, can
exist in cells with numerical and/or structural chromosomal aberrations in apparently normal …
exist in cells with numerical and/or structural chromosomal aberrations in apparently normal …
A cyclical switch of gametogenic pathways in hybrids depends on the ploidy level
The cellular and molecular mechanisms governing sexual reproduction are conserved
across eukaryotes. Nevertheless, hybridization can disrupt these mechanisms, leading to …
across eukaryotes. Nevertheless, hybridization can disrupt these mechanisms, leading to …
Comprehensive chromosome end remodeling during programmed DNA elimination
Germline and somatic genomes are in general the same in a multicellular organism.
However, programmed DNA elimination leads to a reduced somatic genome compared to …
However, programmed DNA elimination leads to a reduced somatic genome compared to …
Asymmetric inheritance: the diversity and evolution of non-Mendelian reproductive strategies
The ability to reproduce is the key trait that distinguishes living organisms from inorganic
matter, and the strategies used to achieve successful reproduction are almost as diverse as …
matter, and the strategies used to achieve successful reproduction are almost as diverse as …
Gradual chromosomal lagging drive programmed genome elimination in hemiclonal fishes from the genus Hypseleotris
Most eukaryotes maintain the stability of their cellular genome sizes to ensure genome
transmission to offspring through sexual reproduction. However, some alter their genome …
transmission to offspring through sexual reproduction. However, some alter their genome …
Genome elimination from the germline cells in diploid and triploid male water frogs Pelophylax esculentus
Hybridogenesis is a hemiclonal reproductive strategy in diploid and triploid hybrids. Our
study model is a frog P. esculentus (diploid RL and triploids RLL and RRL), a natural hybrid …
study model is a frog P. esculentus (diploid RL and triploids RLL and RRL), a natural hybrid …
Understanding the birth of rupture-prone and irreparable micronuclei
Micronuclei are extra-nuclear bodies mainly derived from ana-telophase lagging
chromosomes/chromatins (LCs) that are not incorporated into primary nuclei at mitotic exit …
chromosomes/chromatins (LCs) that are not incorporated into primary nuclei at mitotic exit …