[HTML][HTML] Integrated seismic and energy retrofitting of existing buildings: A state-of-the-art review

DA Pohoryles, DA Bournas, F Da Porto… - Journal of Building …, 2022 - Elsevier
Ageing of the building stock is an issue affecting many regions in the world. This means a
large proportion of existing buildings being considered energy inefficient, with associated …

[HTML][HTML] Seismic upgrading of existing reinforced concrete buildings: A state-of-the-art review

PD Gkournelos, TC Triantafillou, DA Bournas - Engineering Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
Collapses or serious damages of existing buildings during strong earthquakes have resulted
in significant economic losses, severe injuries and loss of human lives. Given the late …

Global sensitivity analysis for seismic performance of shear wall with high-strength steel bars and recycled aggregate concrete

LK Idriss, M Owais - Construction and Building Materials, 2024 - Elsevier
In terms of bearing lateral loads, a reinforced concrete shear wall (SW) is one of the most
crucial structural elements in structures. Despite their significance, recent experimental …

[PDF][PDF] Prioritising EU regions for building renovation: seismic risk, energy efficiency

K Gkatzogias, G Tsionis - 2022 - publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu
The work presented in this report aims to provide scientific support to building renovation
policies in the EU by promoting a holistic point of view on the topic. As part of the pilot project …

Life-cycle benefits of seismic protection using a novel active mass damper

C Fontana, M Caruso, R Pinho, F Menardo… - Life-Cycle of …, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
There is an ever-growing societal pressure for the development and implementation of
earthquake risk mitigation solutions that not only minimize economic, environmental, and …

[PDF][PDF] An extensive analysis based on the most recent research is presented for existing reinforced concrete buildings' shock absorption and mitigation.

KV SHIVA, V VARALAKSHMI - junikhyatjournal.org
Significant economic losses, severe injuries, and the loss of human lives have been caused
by the collapse or substantial destruction of existing structures during powerful earthquakes …

[PDF][PDF] Shock absorption and mitigation for existing reinforced concrete buildings: a comprehensive analysis based on the most recent research

MPS Vaishnavi, MK Vandana, MS Viquar - dogorangsangresearchjournal.com
Significant economic losses, severe injuries, and the loss of human lives have been caused
by the collapse or substantial destruction of existing structures during powerful earthquakes …


SF Anwar, M Ishaquddin - Indo-American Journal of Mechanical …, 2021 - iajme.com
Significant economic losses, severe injuries, and the loss of human lives have been caused
by the collapse or substantial destruction of existing structures during powerful earthquakes …